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CCH Software User Documentation

Document Management Licencing

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Document Management licensing overview

Document Management licensing is based on the number of users who have permission to access any Document Management functionality.

How Licensing Works 

A document user is defined as anyone who has access to any area within Document Management, i.e. they belong to a security group that has one or more Document Management permissions activated.

Security Groups 

If a user belongs to multiple security groups that have Document Management access as long as permissions are not duplicated they will only be counted as one user.

Inactive users should be removed from all security groups and placed in Ex-Staff security group only that contain no permissions to ensure licence are not left in use.  

Whenever a user is given access to a security group that has permissions for any of the Document functionality the system will check that this does not cause the licence count to be exceeded. Individual Task Permissions must not be duplicated across security groups. 

If a user is already a member of a different security group that has same Task Permission enabled for  Document Management access then the user count will be incremented.

If the additional users cause the number of licensed users to be exceeded, licensing will advise that the user count has been exceeded and will not allow the permission to be activated. 


Check Licensed Users 

To check how many users you are licensed for and how many licences are being used.

As a CCH Central  Super User, wihin CCH Central menu  click File > Help > About  and this opensthe About CCH Central window.

Then click the Product license information link in the to right of the screen.

The Count field on the Document Management row shows how many users you are licensed for and the number Used.


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