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CCH Software User Documentation

Default Workflows for Add Document

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Default workflows to be used when adding documents into the system via the Add Document window can be set using the Document Workflows window which is accessed via File > Maintenance > Document Management > Workflows.


Workflows are assigned based, as a minimum, on the source of a document and the library that it is being filed to. The source will most commonly be Email, Scan and Upload.

Source and Library defaults

Once you make a selection in the Source dropdown field the Library field will be activated set by default to the Client filing library. All available Document workflows will be listed on the left of the window.

Move any workflows that you want to be available for the selected Source and Library to the right hand side of the window. If you want the system to default automatically to a specific workflow when adding a document to the selected library from the selected source then tick the Default checkbox next to that workflow.

Note: If you have workflows available but no default set the system will show "None" as the default when adding documents from the selected source to the selected library.

Document Type variations

In addition to setting a default for all documents going to a library from a particular source, you can also specify different workflows to be available for a specific document type with that source and library.

To do this, use the Type dropdown field. All document types that are available for the selected library will be listed here. Select the document type and move the workflows that you want to be available for that type to the right hand side of the window. You can set which to use as the default by ticking the Default checkbox.

Note: If you have workflows available for a document type but no default set the system will show "None" as the default when adding documents of that type.

If a type does not have any workflows specifically associated with it then the system will look at the settings for the library and source.


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