Creating a Profit and Loss using CCH Accounts Production
Updating and creating a Profit & Loss using CCH Accounts Production
The information from CCH Accounts Production can be either updated manually by selecting the Update from Accounts hyperlink in the top ribbon or automatically update the Profit & Loss by setting up the appropriate client tax links.
Please see the Linking products section on how to set up the automatic update of information.
To see the Profit & Loss in Corporation Tax:
Select Insert from the Profit & Loss section of the top ribbon.
Select Update from Accounts in the Top Ribbon
The detailed information from CCH Accounts Production will appear:
The categories displayed represent the categories within the chart of accounts used in CCH Accounts Production.
Tick the Suppress box to exclude a row and any underlying analysis from the printed computation.
The sub analyses can be accessed via the hyperlinks or via the Data navigator
Any unanalysed difference between the total per accounts seen on the main Profit & Loss window and the total analysed in this window will be shown at the foot of the analysis window.
Right clicking on a figure in the Per Accounts column gives the option to View AP Details
This will show the nominal account breakdown of the figure in Accounts Production
To make the adjustments for tax purposes please see the section on Linking Products