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CCH Software User Documentation

Verifying information held against Companies House records

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Verifying information held against Companies House records

To check the data held in CCH Company Secretarial against that held at Companies House, proceed as follows:

Single company check
  1. Select Company | Compare or upload at CH from the menu


2. Select the Company already on CCH Company Secretarial radio button and click Compare & Upload


Where the information stored in CCH Company Secretarial matches that held by Companies House the data will be shown in green, if it does not match it will be shown in red. Click on a hyperlink line description to change the data stored in CCH Company Secretarial.

If the company’s e-filing authentication code is recorded, the comparison will also cover officers and members.

Multiple company check

Select Companies House | Check/Fix every company date from the menu:


Where your data matches that held at Companies House the CH data is shown in green, if the data does not match it will be shown in red. You can update the record held in CCH Company Secretarial to reflect that held by Companies House by clicking on the red item showing the data to be adopted.


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