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CCH Software User Documentation

Task Permissions: Job Management

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Task Permissions that need to be considered when implementing Job Management.

Task Permissions

There are several Task Permissions that will need to considered when implementing Job Management. You can find all of the below within File > Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions

Product Task Permission Description
Central [Maintenance] [Assignment] [Job Mode]

Allows access to the Job Mode window within File -> Maintenance -> Assignment

Central #Homepage #Job sheet write access

Users who not have write access will not be able to make amendments on the Job Sheet homepage control.

This includes editing of formulas, dates, status' and comments.

The only amendments that can be made will include

  • Filtering using the right click option
  • Hyperlinks
  • Show Field Chooser and drag on other fields
  • Export to Excel
Central #Client #Add Assignment From Template This permission enables users to add an assignment from an assignment template to an open client record
Central #Client #Edit Job This permission enables users to click on the Job hyperlink from both the Job Sheet homepage control and the assginment tab and edit the Job details
Central #Client #Remove Job This permission enables users to delete a Job using the Remove Job right click option on the client assignment tab
Central #Client #Add Job This permission enables users to add a Job to an assignment from the client assignments tab, using the right click Add Job option


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