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CCH Software User Documentation

Job Management Homepage Control

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The homepage control can be used to monitor, track, and filter job stages that are carried out in the practice.

The homepage control can be used to monitor, track, and filter job stages that are carried out in the practice.


The default display is: client/assignment, job/schedule, Assigned to, Target Date, Days Left and the milestones created.

Note: It is important to note that jobs will be displayed filtered by assignment types.

You can change the filter by clicking on the drop down in the upper right hand corner and choosing the assignment type to view jobs. The reason for the filter is that the system allows you to create different milestones for each assignment type.

You can also use the group-by feature to group the jobs by one of the column fields:


The homepage control incorporates intelligent grouping. Some fields such as the 'Target Date' and 'Year End' are not grouped on the values. The 'Year End' field for instance is grouped by the month. The following window displays the homepage control when it is grouped by Target Date.


Right-click menus also provide the ability to change the status of a milestone for a job, change the date, filter the jobs shown, add comments or switch from using icons to dates. When you complete the end milestone on a job it will disappear from the homepage control. The right click menu also allows you to include completed jobs.


Note: The default setting is to not include closed jobs.

The default columns displayed can be changed by right-clicking on the home page control and choosing the ‘Show field chooser’ option.

Note: To make the changes to the display permanent please ensure that the homepage control is in edit mode. Click on the ‘Customise homepage’ option on Ribbon and then use the field chooser option to change the display settings. When you are done, close the customise option and the changes will be made permanently.


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