Product Licence Information
The Product Licence Information screen displays the products and modules that you are licensed for.
It is found under main menu File > Help > About > Product Licence Information.
Clicking the plus sign against a product displays the modules within it. In the screen above the plus sign has been clicked for Personal Tax.
Product/Module All products and modules that run in Central are shown here, whether you have bought them or not. (The only exceptions are certain modules that are no longer actively sold.) Some module names are underlined to indicate a link. These links take you to marketing information on CCH’s website.
Restriction Licensing is implemented by means of restrictions, e.g. on how many users can access a product. The Restriction column shows the restriction for a product or module. Some products or modules may have more than one restriction.
Count This column quantifies the restriction, e.g. by giving an expiry date or number of concurrent users.
Used For some restrictions, it is useful to show how much has been “used”. For concurrent users, the number of concurrent users in a product is shown here. Above we can see 1 user is in Personal Tax's Personal Return.
Detail If a link is shown in this column it gives more details for the licensing method. If a product is licensed on concurrent users then it shows the users that are currently in the product. If a product is licensed on a pay-as-you-go basis it shows the history of credits purchased.