Defining Document Creation Settings (CCH Central)
You can define the location and format of client and contact documents on the Document Creation Settings window.
Define Document Creation Settings
Under File > Maintenance > Documents there are options where you can setup the folders location, the format of the algorithm for documents and mailing.
From the main menu, select File > Maintenance > Documents > Document Creation Settings.
In the Document Creation Settings window, enter or edit the following details.
- Assignment Algorithm: The assignment algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default contact algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the assignment algorithm.
- Client Algorithm: The client algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default client algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the client algorithm.
- Contact Algorithm: The contact algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default contact algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the contact algorithm.
- Tax Receipts Algorithm: The tax receipts algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default contact algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the tax receipts algorithm.
- VAT Receipts Algorithm: The tax receipts algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default contact algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the VAT receipts algorithm.
- Word Billing Algorithm: The tax receipts algorithm is stored in the *. ini file. The default contact algorithm is displayed in this field. You can change the word billing algorithm.
3. To edit click the ellipsis (highlighted in red).
4. When you have finished making changes, click to save and close the window.