Phone Numbers, Website and Email Addresses
Set up phone numbers, website and email
From the main menu, select File > Maintenance > Address/Phone > Phone number and Email address.
The Phone number and Email address window displays a table that lists the descriptions in the first column and displays check boxes in the remaining columns that allow you to define a phone number as the Primary Telephone, Primary Fax, Primary Mobile numbers. -
In the Description cell, enter or edit the description for the contact information (such as Home Phone, Home Fax, Board number, etc). The description provides you with additional information about the various phone and fax numbers, as well as websites and email accounts, a contact may have.
Select the appropriate check box to define a phone number as the Primary Telephone, Primary Fax or Primary Mobile number. If you have just entered the description for a website or email address, select the appropriate check box to define it as the Primary Email, Web or Email.
to save the Description and close the window.
Only one check box can be selected per column. In other words, you cannot have more than one Primary Telephone, Primary Fax or Primary Mob numbers. However, the same Description can be defined as the Primary Telephone, Primary Fax as well as Primary Mob number.