Deleting an association from a contact or client
The Associated tab on the Contact and Client windows is where you view, create and maintain links between contacts and/or clients in your database. From here you can also remove a relationship or association from a contact if it is no longer valid for the selected contact.
Delete an association from a contact or Client
To delete an association from a contact:
Open the Contact or Client page for the contact you want to remove associations from.
Click the Associated tab.
Select the header of the association you want to delete.
On the Task Bar, click Delete.
On the confirmation message, click Yes. The association is removed.
When you delete a relationship, if it is the only relationship attached to the associate, then the relationship and the associate are removed from the list. If there are multiple relationships attached to the one associate, then only the selected relationship is deleted. You will need to delete each relationship individually to remove the associate from the list completely.