Useful Shortcuts
Keystroke.... |
What it does.... |
Click on any column heading |
Click on a column heading on a page to sort the items by that heading. |
[Ctrl] + click any column heading |
If you have clicked on a column heading on a page to sort the items by that heading, you can return the list to the original sort order with this keystroke. |
[Ctrl] C , [Ctrl] V |
You can copy and paste the contents of a cell. |
[Ctrl + @] |
Use to copy the selections in a previous line entry into the new line entry. The entry in the corresponding field in the line immediately below the entry line will be selected for you. |
[Ctrl + Enter] |
When entering data into a data entry line this will finalise the current line and clear the entry line ready for the next entry. This will save you having to [Tab] through the remaining fields. |
[Home] and [End] |
Use these keys to move to the first or last field in a time entry line. |