Backup and restore of client data
To back up a client, proceed as follows:
1. Select the [Actions] button from the Toolbar of the Main window and select Copy pack from the drop-down menu.
2. The system will display the Copy client dialog, inviting you to enter the code of the audit pack to be copied.
Copy client dialog
3. Select the Restore option.
4. Browse to the location of the backup zip file and select the file.
Client back up
When taking a client backup the backup routine will now ask the user if they would also like to take a backup of any localised master packs that are required to restore the client in a different database.
The system will take a backup of any practice level master packs linked to the client and display a dialogue with the list of the master packs that have exported along with the client data, they will be saved in the same location as selected for the client backup.
Useful Information! There is also an option to only take a backup of the current accounting period only if required.