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CCH Software User Documentation

The Calendar

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This covers how to use the calendar in CCH Audit Automation

Whenever the system invites you to enter a date, the [Calendar] button at the end of the entry field will be active. The [Calendar] button is used extensively throughout the programs and can be identified by the picture which appears on it  clipboard_ec28d537909b0eb5bd269b7fcad426e6a.png . When the button is active it will be displayed in colour, and when inactive it will be greyed out. An active button can be selected by using the mouse or by pressing <Alt> + <P>.

Clicking on this button will cause the system to display the Date selection dialog box. If the entry field contained a valid date, the dialog box will display that date. If it did not contain a valid date, or was blank, the dialog box will display the current date. The month and year will be shown at the top of the dialog box, together with a calendar for the month, with the day of the month highlighted.

Date on AA.JPG

Date selection dialog

To change the month, click on the spin button showing to the left of the month field. Clicking on the [Up arrow] will move to the subsequent month and clicking on the [Down arrow] will move to the preceding month. To change the year, click on the spin buttons displayed to the left of the year - clicking on the [Up arrow] moves forward one year and clicking on the [Down arrow] moves back one year.

As you move from month to month and year to year, the calendar for the month will be displayed. To select the day, click on the number corresponding to the day within the calendar and it will become highlighted.

Once you have selected the date, click on [OK] and the system will close the Date selection dialog box and return to the window from which it was called. The date selected will appear in the entry field and focus will move to the following field.

If you wish to close the Date selection dialog box without returning a date to the entry field, click [Cancel] and you will be returned to the calling field to allow you to enter the date manually.


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