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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Audit Automation Migration – FAQs

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Questions relating to the Migration to CCH Audit Automation (SQL)
Why is CCH Audit Automation (Borland database engine) software being de-commissioned?

The Borland database engine is based on legacy technology, whereas CCH Audit Automation (SQL database) is industry leading technology. As the industry embraces innovation, there is a shortage of skills required to develop and maintain legacy products, therefore having reviewed our product portfolio to ensure that we remain focused on delivering best-in-class solutions for our core market we have made the decision to de-commission the Audit software built on the Borland database.

How do I know if my Practice is on the SQL version?

Click Help > About:

If you are on the SQL version, then the version number will be in the format below:
e.g - 2021.100
If you are on the dbase (BDE) version, the version number will be in the format below:
e.g: Version 5.0.6
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What are my options?
  1. We anticipate that you will want to make the transition to CCH Audit Automation (SQL) at your earliest convenience. With this in mind Wolters Kluwer would like to support you in  migrating to CCH Audit Automation SQL before 31st of August 2022.
  2. Should you wish to cancel your CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) agreement at your next renewal (as long as it’s on or before 31st of August 2022), Wolters Kluwer would accept a shorter notice of termination from you.
  3. If you wish to continue with CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) Wolters Kluwer will honour your existing licence that will now terminate on 31st August 2022 and we will (if applicable) credit you any difference in overpayment that may be owing to you at the date of termination.
  4. If you do nothing, your CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) licence will automatically terminate on 31st August 2022.
Will I be paying more to use CCH Audit Automation (SQL)?

No, your annual Maintenance & Support licence remains at the price you pay today, subject to the standard price increase clauses within our Terms & conditions.

How much will it cost me to move to the SQL version?

There is no difference in the price of your annual Support and Maintenance contract with Wolters Kluwer for CCH Audit Automation (SQL). There is however training and assisted on-boarding’ that we highly recommend to ensure you have a smooth transition from one database to the other. This training and consultancy is chargeable. Please speak to your Account Manager for further details. You can request ‘assisted on-boarding’ and training from your Account Manager.

The assisted on boarding consultancy will cover firstly the set up work required for audit users who will all now have an employee record in our CCH central system, secondly the Master Pack administration changes and thirdly showing how to convert your client files from Borland database to SQL version. The training element will cover the new functionality of the SQL version in addition to a review of how you are currently using the product to identify any opportunities to optimise its use.

How long can I continue to use CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) software for?

If you wish to continue with CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) we would honour your existing licence that will now terminate on 31st August 2022 and we will (if applicable) credit you any difference in overpayment that may be owing to you at the date of termination.

Can I cancel my existing contract ahead of my renewal date?

Should you wish to cancel your CCH Audit Automation (Borland database) agreement at your next renewal this is acceptable subject to the stated notice period (please see Terms and Conditions).

How does the SQL version of CCH Audit Automation compare to the Borland database version?

When you transition to CCH Audit Automation (SQL) you get all these extra benefits and enhanced functionality:

A: The SQL database has better performance and is far more robust than the Borland database.  It is the Microsoft standard database and therefore future-proofs CCH Audit Automation going forward

B: The new SQL version is now an integral part of our CCH Central Suite and gets installed with it. This allows for much improved integration such as importing a TB from CCH Accounts Production and exporting journals back out to CCH Accounts Production

C: The accounting period functionality is greatly improved.  Previous year files are accessible from a drop down within the current year.  There is no longer a necessity to backup previous years as part of the balance forward process and restore them under a different code when you want to access them

D. Because Audit Automation is now part of CCH Central the functionality of CCH Central such as an audit Home Page and reporting across audit files is now standard functionality which wasn’t fully available in the Borland database version.

E. There is far better control and security over documents as these are now all stored in the SQL database and can only be accessed by users who have access to CCH Audit Automation.  Documents cannot be accessed by users outside the system.

F. The user interface is greatly improved using a ribbon option and is similar to the CCH Central user interface however the old interface is still available if required.

G. Restricting access to client files by users can now be done much more easily using the CCH Central Data security functionality which can then be applied to CCH Audit Automation.

H. The concept of sub folders has been added in the different sections of Current Audit File making it much easier to store find and retrieve documents.

I. Audit partners and managers can now be linked to clients and reports produced by partner manager etc.

J. Master Pack administration has significantly improved with the ability to select a chart via a drop down menu as opposed to having to install it and the concept of merging master packs has been introduced meaning that when a new master pack is released changes made to the previous version do not have to be entered again. Different versions of a Master Pack are now created in a hierarchical structure.

K. There are a number of other additional features such as more easily link notes to documents, version control of documents, check in and check out documents in similar way to CCH Document Management in CCH Central.  

Where can I learn more about the SQL version?

You can speak to your Account Manager who will be happy to provide a demonstration of CCH Audit Automation (SQL). Alternatively, you can learn more about the SQL version by checking our SQL Version Get Started section.

Can I travel audit data?

The audit data can be taken offline onto a laptop for working away from the office. This will require a local installation of the software on the laptop. Once the data has been travelled onto the local machine it is no longer possible to further travel a sub section of the client onto another laptop.

Will read-only licences be available if I don’t upgrade and require access to data beyond the 1st September 2022?

We will stop releasing updated master packs for the Borland database. A chargeable read-only licence will be available for Practices that require access to data beyond the 1st September 2022 to enable legal obligations to be made (period 6 years)

What’s happening to my data?

The data you have in your current version of the software will remain there and will be accessible for the foreseeable future after it has been converted.  Both the Borland database and SQL versions of the software can be running at the same time without any conflicts.

Will I need to re-train my employees on the SQL version?

There is some important new functionality in the SQL version and we would recommend you take the training we offer to cover this plus the review of how you are currently running the existing software.  This training session is up to 3 hours long.

Is there anything I should do prior to migrating to the SQL version? (Data Cleanse)

Prior to the first client being converted old users who have not worked on the files being converted would need to be deleted otherwise an employee record of each of these users will be created in central when the first client is converted.   Also, duplicate users and duplicate client records need to be identified and deleted from the Borland database version.  We can help you with both these tasks as part of the on boarding consultancy that we offer.



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