Chart of Accounts
The Chart of Accounts Grid
The chart of accounts will have been selected when the entity type is first created for a client. To maintain at a client level, select Chart of Accounts from the Reference folder in the task bar list. The default view in this grid includes the columns shown below.
Searching for and viewing nominals
To view all local nominal codes select Local Nominals on the ribbon to filter the view to display local nominals only
To remove the filter click on All Nominals on the ribbon.
Editing the chart
You are able to edit the Description, the Close Off Account and the Chart Category of a Nominal Code, you cannot edit the code itself.
- To edit an existing nominal code locate the code to be modified, use the Search Code/Description field on the ribbon to locate the account. The grid filters to display the search result.
- Click in the cell containing the data that is to be edited.
- Change the data as required and then press Enter or click away from the cell to commit the change to the database.
Creating a new nominal code
- Click in the input row where the message "click here to add a new Nominal Code" is displayed.
- Enter the nominal code and description. If necessary change the close off account.
- You should not need to alter the category as the chart of accounts is sequential and nominal codes fall within ranges which fall within Categories.
- Press Enter or click away from the cell to commit the change to the database.
- A flag is displayed in the Local column to indicate that the code has been created at the client "local" level. If subsequently the same master code is created the local code can be reverted to the master code from the ribbon or right click and choose Revert to Master.
Sub codes
- To add sub codes to an existing nominal e.g. 0010, type the new sub code in the input line at the top of the grid e.g. 001001 under Nominal Code.
- Add details relating to the Description, Close off Account and the Chart Category.
- Press Enter, a confirmation message appears:
Once the new sub code has been created, it is selectable using the Nominal Analysis drop-down, which is available on various grids e.g. Payments, Receipts, Journals, Advisor journals, Trial Balance and View Transactions.
A flag is displayed in the Local column to indicate that the code has been created at the client "local" level. If subsequently the same master code is created the local code can be reverted to the master code from the ribbon or right click and choose Revert to Master.
Based on the above example the next available sub code would be 001002. A warning message will appear if a code already exists.
Deleting an existing local account
Local accounts may be deleted provided that the account does not contain transactions or a balance in any of the last 5 years trial balances.
- To delete a local account, select the account by clicking in the left most column in the row that contains the account.
- An arrow appears in the selected column and the row is also highlighted.
- Press the Delete button or click the Delete icon on the Ribbon. Confirmation is required before deletion.
Rounding and suspense accounts
Rounding and Suspense allows you to specify which accounts will be used for predefined actions carried out by the system. The default rounding is set (when shipped) for the P&L account is 0010 - Sales of goods and for the Balance sheet is 7100 - Trade debtors, however, these may be changed at the master or client level.
To change the rounding or suspense accounts at the client level:
Select the Rounding and Suspense option from the ribbon and use the drop downs to change the nominal codes for the Balance Sheet Rounding Account and / or P&L Rounding Account only. Do not change the other rounding accounts.
Once changed you will exit from CCH Accounts Production for that client and then re-enter. Rounding is a calculation and the the accounts for that client for that year needs to recalculate the rounding.
Using Dimensions with the Chart of Accounts
Dimensions allow you to obtain more details in financial reports by tracking specific nominals. Before you can use dimensions, you need to create them and this is done on the Dimensions grid.
Creating Dimensions
Select Dimensions from the Reference folder in the task list to open the grid.
- Enter the description for the dimension in the first row, repeat if necessary to create additional dimensions.
- Assigning Dimensions to Nominals using Single Selection:
1. Select Chart of Accounts in the Reference folder. The Chart of Accounts grid appears.
2. Right-click the nominal on the grid that you want to link to a dimension and then select View Dimensions. The Dimensions dialog appears, and it contains the dimension that you created earlier.
Tip: Use the Search or Description field on the Ribbon if the nominal is not visible. - Select the dimension that you want to assign from the drop-down.
- With the Dimensions dialog open you can select additional nominals and repeat step 2 to link.
- Click Close when done. This icon appears next to nominals linked to a dimension.
- Assigning Dimensions using Multiple Selection
To select more than one nominal hold the CTRL key while at the same time left click each nominal that you want to add. Release the CTRL when you have completed your selections.
Right-click and then select View Dimension or select View Dimensions under Actions on the Ribbon to display the Dimensions Multiple Selection dialog.
Select the dimension that you want to assign from the drop-down.
Click Close.
The dimension is assigned to the selected nominals and this icon appears in the Dimension column on the grid.