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CCH Software User Documentation

Edit Mapping

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Edit Mapping allows you to edit a mapping at the client level.

To edit mapping at the client level

The Edit Mapping Screen has four columns External Code, External Name, Account Code and Account Description. The columns Account Code and Account Description are the Accounts Production chart of accounts codes and description.


  1. If a mapping has not been chosen from the Import screen the Edit Mapping option on the Task Bar will be greyed out. No files are saved and a mapping file is not created. 
  2. If a System Mapping has been chosen on the Import screen, the mapping name will display initially a System mapping name and the Save button will be greyed out. The Save button will become enabled when you start to edit the System mapping in this screen, where upon it becomes a Client mapping.
  3. A client mapping is a mapping based on a system mapping, which has been edited and saved.  

    There are two ways to edit and maintain a mapping:
    (i)  Click on the existing external code used in the mapping and then select another nominal code using the dropdown button; or
    (ii) Create a new nominal code. To create a new code, you select the account code on the row you want to change and press the F10 key.  A new screen will pop up called Add Nominal. It will already be populated with the existing code on the row you have selected, but you can over type the Code, Description and Nominal Category, dependent upon permissions.

Editing your mapping and clicking Save will not change data in the current open year.  When you year-end to the new year the revised mapping will be the default for that client.

For changes to the current year data, raise a journal in the current year.


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