CCH Practice Management - Known Issues
CCH Practice Management - Known Issues
Last update: 02 September 2024
Date Raised | ITS | Description | Workaround ( If applicable) | Scheduled/Resolved |
02/08/2024 | 68108 | Job Sheet > Fee Budget values disappear when filtered in bottom right hand side | TBC | |
23/04/2024 | 68022 | Billing approval process and PDF performance issue using Windows 2022 RDS | TBC | |
01/03/2024 | 67978 | Multicurrency - Auto Close of WIP and Debt can cause issues | TBC | |
12/02/2024 | 67953 | ePay - additional error diagnostics required to identify URL generation failures | TBC | |
04/02/2024 | 67943 | Fix 2 Self Authorisation Expense and Disbursement Sheet Faults with regards to Can Auth on Behalf of. | 2024.2 | |
01/02/2024 | 67941 | CSV import - unable to obtain required MS driver for both 32 and 64 bit environment | TBC | |
26/01/2024 | 67935 | Improve the WIP Enquiry performance | 2024.2 | |
08/12/2023 | 67904 | When posted bill are stored in DM, the Archive and Destruction dates are not applied. | 2024.2 | |
15/11/2023 | 67885 | Repeat Billing - Autopost function can fail if Terms Days on client set to 0 | TBC | |
09/11/2023 | 67880 | PMTF - Sync can stop working with no import errors showing if cash entered in Twinfield dated in closed period | TBC | |
06/11/2023 | 67872 | Bill Preview when posted invoice or when PDF posted invoice slow in Azure Virtual Desktop | TBC | |
27/10/2023 | 67866 | The timesheet active user count at employee create timesheet point is incorrect | TBC | |
29/08/2023 | 67794 | Smart reports - "report would return too much data" error can appear if Parent Name > 120 characters | TBC | |
22/08/2023 | 67790 | Twinfield - Sync can stop working if a transaction contains NULL value in TWCompanyCode | TBC | |
11/08/2023 | 67783 | ETC's in repeat bills incorrectly allocated against employee instead of Unspec | TBC | |
08/08/2023 | 67773 | Billed disbursement lines can be amended in draft disbursement sheet | TBC | |
17/05/2023 | 67685 | PM/TF - Service settings screen - Twinfield year end transactions show on Import errors tab | TBC | |
24/03/2023 | 66622 | Closing clients - incorrect Bad Debt Cash Transactions being generated | TBC | |
16/02/2023 | 66571 | Smart reports: Employee -> Employee Activity - report can fail to run if assignment code > 50 characters | TBC | |
07/02/2023 | 66559 | PM/TF - VAT element on Bad Debts being exported as Sales VAT and not Purchase VAT | TBC | |
30/01/2023 | 66542 | Billing - Missing ePay values in ProductConfiguration table causes bill posting issue when upgrading from 2020.2 to 2022.3 | TBC | |
12/01/2023 | 66502 | Timesheets - constructor error can appear if timesheet contains an assignment(s) with broken relationship to Activity table | TBC | |
23/12/2022 | 66491 | Billing wizard - dialog not always displaying full client/assignment name when adding ETC/Misc charge | TBC | |
24/10/2022 | 66433 | Homepage Control - Bills to Approve: users able to authorise and post bills without authorisation rights | TBC | |
12/10/2022 | 66422 | Bill delivery workflows - write-off bills can be emailed with wrong client details | TBC | |
29/09/2022 | 66417 | Central Hub service - "IsTwinfieldServiceActive" key value in config file changed to "0" on upgrade | Contact support for instructions | TBC |
22/09/2022 | 66410 | Billing Wizard - Adding Misc charge/ETC list of child clients no longer listed in alphabetical order | TBC | |
29/06/2022 | 66320 | VAT invoices - Date of VAT invoice credit note generated when processing receipt reversal against RFP can be incorrect | TBC | |
10/05/2022 | 66259 | Batch bill printing - compatibility issue with latest version of Microsoft 365 suite | TBC | |
19/04/2022 | 66239 | Expenses import - import can fail even when entries are valid in import file | Contact support for script | TBC |
07/04/2022 | 66230 | Smart reports - Debtor Statement Balance Forward report can fail to run stating there is too much data to return | Contact support for script | TBC |
02/02/2022 | 66168 | Auto Post does not inherit the Authorise on Behalf of listed employees | TBC |
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