CCH iFirm Validate Functionality via CCH Central
Overview of the CCH iFirm Validate process
The workflow below explains how the Validate process works.
Accessing Validate from within the Client record in CCH Central
Click on CCH iFirm Validate from Tasks menu in the Client record
Log into CCH iFirm using your CCH email address and password
If you get a failed message after trying to log in then you need to ensure that a WK account has been set up for you and that you have been grated access to the software in CCH iFirm
How the software Validation process works in CCH iFirm Validate
Click on the + New Project button
Enter the Client name, data request project name, year end date and due date that the information is required by. Then click on the Create button
Find the Client and click on the project name
Click on + New Request
Enter the email address of the person at the Client who will be approving your request and click Next
Select the financial institution that the client approver is providing you with access to. Their email address displays adjacent to the name of the institution. Click Next.
Select the Report required from drop-down menu and if more reports are required, then Click + Add Request .
The client approver email will need to be entered for each request. When all requests have been added, click on Send Requests.
SENDING should now display as the status in the Status column
The client will now receive an email (which might take a couple of minutes to arrive) to review and approve the requests to the financial institution so that the auditor/accountant can get access to the details of the account at the financial institution.
Assuming that the client approver agrees to the request they need to click Approve with TrueLayer (a CCH 3rd party approved provider). We now handover to TrueLayer to request the information from the financial institution.
The Client approver needs to click on ALLOW and then enter their bank login details - username and password
The Client now needs to enter bank login details i.e. username and password and then click proceed
The STATUS should now have changed to Approved by the client approver.
The status of data requests page in iFirm Validate should now display as COMPLETE (this may take a few minutes to process to update the data)
The auditor\accountant can now view the details that have been requested e.g. Balance of all accounts, transactions etc.
The transactions .csv file that has been downloaded can now be opened and viewed.
Rolling Forwrd, editing and deleting Projects
Selecting Roll Forward will set up the project for the next year.
Selecting Properties will enable you to change the name and year end.