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CCH Software User Documentation

Data Sources


Adding Data sources


  • Click on + Add data  on the Self Assessment page or + in the left menu.
  • Click on + Add data.
  • Scroll down the list and tick the boxes on each of the sources you want to add.

Some data sources contain subsections, once those data sources are ticked they will expand to show a list. You can deselect the subsections you do not need.



  • You can also search for specific data sources using the search bar above.
  • In the example below, the term 'bank' has been used to filter the data list and Interest from banks is selected. 


  • Some data sources e.g Employment require you to type in the employer name once you tick the source from the list as shown below.



  • Once you have selected the data sources click + Add selected to save the list.


Accessing Data sources

Left menu

Data sources can be opened from the left menu. The list of data sources you have added is displayed under the Self Assessment tab in the left menu.

  • To open a source click on the title, this will expand the accordion.
  • Click the source you would like to open from the expanded list.

Useful Information! In the example below, clicking on 'UK Interest' expands this source and displays the sources within.


Self Assessment page

Data sources can be opened from the Self Assessment page. The list of data sources will display on the left in a list.

  • To open a data source select it from the list.
  • Clicking on the accordions will expand or collapse the sources.


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