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CCH Software User Documentation

Introductory walkthrough


What is Wolters Kluwer Account?


CCH iFirm is used by Wolters Kluwer Account Administrators to set up and manage new Administrators and Regular Users (members) for the Support Portal and My Learning Portal. It also provides members with access to CCH iFirm products. 

Every organisation must have one or more 'Admin' users who can add/remove other admins and regular users (members).

Please note:  
If you are not using a CCH iFirm product and you need to locate the Wolters Kluwer Account Help Guide for Admin Users (self-service) click here

Login to CCH iFirm to invite and manage members

Click here to access CCH iFirm Organisation Management .

Enter your existing Wolters Kluwer Account email address in the field indicated and click ‘Continue’ to enter your password.


The link for you to login directly is Organisation Management.

Organisation Management Overview

This section provides you with an overview of the actions you can take. 

Use the black menu on the left of your screen to navigate through each section of CCH iFirm Organisation Management or Click the ‘Members’ tile to check who in your organisation has a Wolters Kluwer Account.


Member Functionality Explained

This section is where you can invite and manage members. 

You will see the status of your organisation’s Wolters Kluwer Account members in the left column or you can use the search box above to locate an individual.  If you wish a Regular User (not already an Admin) to have administrator rights, select the member and click on ‘Administrator’. 

The central column shows the products and applications each member has access to. To update a member’s access, select the member from the left list and click on the products or applications you would like your member to have access to. Administrators have access to all applications and products.


Inviting New Members

There are two ways you can invite new members, as follows:

  1. Click ‘Invite New Member’ from the top right of your screen.  Enter their contact information in the form where indicated. 


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If the member you are inviting is NOT to have access to all products and applications, you must click on 'Product Access' and untick the options you do not want them to have before sending the invitation. 

At the bottom of the form you can select whether you would like the member to be a Wolters Kluwer Account Administrator or a Regular Member. 

Please Note:  If you make a mistake when inviting a new member, please delete the invitation and re-invite the member. The user/member will have already received your first invitation which will become invalid if you delete.


2. Bulk Invitation Link

You can also click on 'Get Invite Link' to invite both administrators and regular members.  The 'Get Invite' link enables you to share a url with your colleagues in bulk rather than inviting them one at a time.  When your colleague clicks the link and follows the prompts, you and any other admin users in your organisation, will receive an email asking you to approve their joint request.


Click the 'Get Invite Link' and enable the link in the bottom left of the pop up box.  Copy the link shown on screen and email to any colleagues you would like to use CCH iFirm applications or products.  If you have a welcome email that you send to new employees, you could insert this link along with some text on Wolters Kluwer cloud products for their information.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  After a colleague requests access to CCH iFirm, you will receive an email advising you of the join request.  Follow the instructions in the email to approve or reject their join request. 


Once you have approved an invitation, select the new member from the Members Panel and provide access to the relevant applications and products. 

Once approved, the user will receive an email which contains the link for them to login to CCH iFirm.


In this section you can click on a product or application, select 'Members', highlight a member from the list on the left and add or remove access to that product.  



Access Denied Errors

If a member tries to login to any Wolters Kluwer Cloud application they have not been granted access to, they will receive an 'Access Denied' error.  They must contact you, their administrator and request access for that application.

Logging in from CCH Central

CCH iFirm Anti Money Laundering (AML) users, must have been granted access to CCH iFirm and also have an employee record in CCH Central with an email address matching that of their Wolters Kluwer Account username.

Existing Members

When CCH iFirm was activated for your account, all existing members of your organisation that have a Wolters Kluwers Account are now visible and user access is now managed via CCH iFirm.  By default, existing admin users now have access to all applications within CCH iFirm.  Regular users have the same access rights as they had previously.


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