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CCH Software User Documentation

Other Trust Accounts options that involve CCH Accounts Production

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Zipping or unzipping a client

When a client is zipped using File > Zip in CCH Trust Accounts, the zip file includes client information from CCH Accounts Production such as the local pages and Statutory Database information. If Central is not already running then CCH Trust Accounts will start CCH Central, as Central needs to be running to complete the task. The same applies to unzipping a client.

Tip: If CCH Trust Accounts has started CCH Central then the CCH Central window may be open in front of CCH Trust Accounts. A message from CCH Trust Accounts such as “ successfully created” can easily be missed. If nothing seems to be happening in Central, click the CCH Trust Accounts icon to bring CCH Trust Accounts to the front and check if there is any message showing.

Deleting a client

If a client is deleted from CCH Trust Accounts, the system will delete the associated Accounting Periods from AP. This requires opening CCH Central if it is not open. Again, the user needs to check CCH Trust Accounts if nothing seems to be happening in CCH Central.

Switching off the nominal ledger

If the nominal ledger of a client is switched off by using Edit Client > Ledgers and unticking Nominal Ledger then any related accounting periods for the client in CCH Central are deleted.

Global Accounts Production

Global Accounts Production can be used from CCH Trust Accounts to produce accounts for multiple clients in a single operation. Again this requires CCH Central to be open and messages from Trust Accounts could be missed if CCH Central is open in front of CCH Trust Accounts. 



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