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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Software Migration Service



As your business grows, your system and environment will evolve to support your practice, taking advantage of new technologies whether on premise or to cloud hosting our consultants will help your business migrate to your new environment.

CCH Software Migration Service


What is a Server Migration?

Generally, a Server Migration is the term used to describe copying or moving critical data from one Server to another, as well as configuring that target Server to replace the first.  Server Migrations might revolve around setting up SQL Server and Database software, CCH Suite software installation, copying over data files and their configurations for the new target server.


What defines a CCH Suite migration?

A CCH Suite migration will involve the following movement of core components all utilised in your CCH deployment and as defined by your individual project scope

-          SQL Software installation and configuration

-          SQL Database(s) Backup, Restore, Testing and Maintenance plans (where SQL Standard is provided)

-          CCH Suite Software

-          CCH Suite Non-SQL Data

-          End User Access deployment and testing

-          Decommission of original system


Note: Due to the nature of this service, and requirements specific to your business downtime on existing business sytems will need to be factored into delivery schedules.

Your Migration Pathway?

On-Premises Server(s) to On-Premises Server(s) - An on-premises Server or data centre is a solution that you privately own and control.  They would be defined as existing concurrently in the same physical location, with hardware connected purely by Local Area Network [ LAN ].  Should the on-premises Server or data centre be in a different physical location the project scope would alter to account for Wide Area Network [ WAN ] connectivity

On-Premises Server(s) to Cloud Server(s) - An on-premises Server or data centre is a solution that you privately own and control.  Traditional cloud computing involves leasing data centre resources from a third-party service provider.  Special focus is required on data size, transfer bandwidth and it’s timings point-to-point

Cloud Server(s) to Cloud Server(s) - Traditional cloud computing involves leasing data centre resources from a third-party service provider.  Special focus is required on data size, transfer bandwidth and it’s timings point-to-point – and – specifically consideration for the location of the Cloud Data Centre(s) and service deliverables

Cloud Server(s) to On-Premises Server(s) - An on-premises Server or data centre is a solution that you privately own and control.  Traditional cloud computing involves leasing data centre resources from a third-party service provider.  Special focus is required on data size, transfer bandwidth and it’s timings point-to-point


What is a Migration Project Event?

The Migration Event defines the level of service required from us to support the full Migration of your solution end to end.  Sessions relate to a service provision and are not available as hourly chargeables

Weekday Daytime Event – Single Session

These sessions run from 09:30hrs

Weekday Evening Event – Single Session

These sessions run from 17:30hrs

Weekend Daytime Event – Single Session

These sessions run from 09:30hrs


Key Discussion Points and Considerations for your Migration Project

The following list will be used a starting point to discuss, plan and prepare for your Migration Project and should be viewed as minimum considerations

-          Number of stakeholders involved and stakeholder responsibilities

-          Stakeholder communication to CCH Suite end user team(s) including system downtime

-          Discussion surrounding specification(s) of Server(s) and all supporting infrastructure for CCH Suite

-          Full review of

o   Internet Access provision, including Access rights, Firewall policies

o   Data speeds for Backup & Restore processes

o   Solution security policy

-          Migration pathway to be defined and clarified

-          Full review of

o   SQL Database size(s) including time to Backup & Restore

o   Non-SQL Data size(s) including transfer time

-          Requirements for ‘Test Phase’ and inclusion of 2 to 3 weeks between Test and Go-Live dates

-          Requirements for SQL Database optimisation ahead of Migration

-          Confirmation of CCH Suite versioning used for the project

Note: Migration Projects will always maintain your current version of the CCH Central products.  Any requirement to update to a newer version (where availble) will require a post Migration project day as a seperate event, this is suggested to be a minimum of one week after your chosen Migration go-live date.

Migration Category

Your Migration project will be defined as fitting the scope of one of the three categories below based upon timescales, requirements for testing phases and support available from 3rd parties to complete elements of the scope


Category A

Customer projects defined for this scope would include customer installations where all project elements are completed within a single Project Event


Examples of items included in this would be-:

Backup and transfer of Data

Installation of CCH Suite to new Server

Preparation of end user access changes for Workstation, Laptop, Thin Client etc.  Customer contact or IT Liaison would then to roll out changes required to more than 3 users or to larger groups


Category B

Customer projects defined for this scope would include customer installations where all project elements are completed within a single Project Event, together with a larger involvement typically required by customer contact(s) or IT Liaison


Examples of items included in this would be-:

Restore of Data provided

Installation of CCH Suite to new Server

Preparation of end user access changes for Workstation, Laptop, Thin Client etc.  Customer contact or IT Liaison would then to roll out changes required to more than 3 users or to larger groups


Category C

Customer projects defined for this scope would include customer installations where project elements are more bespoke to the specific customer requirements for testing, for larger data set(s) etc They would typically involve multiple Project Event(s)


Examples of items included in this would be-:

Backup and transfer of Bulk Data to be discussed for ownership of task

Test System built firstly, deployed with 'cut' of live data with any SQL Document Database segmentation to facilitate successful completion of the project

Installation of CCH Suite to new Server with right version for customer

Preparation of end user access, Workstation, laptop, Thin Client.  Customer or IT Liaison to roll out to groups

On your ‘Go Live’ date

- True up of all Data from Live System to New System

- Complete CCH Suite reconfigurations and Update Software as discussed

- Final round of Go-Live solution testing by the end-user team


Once your Migration project is complete you will receive (where appropriate) a report for your records.

Details of our currently supported environments can be found here and should be reviewed as part of planning any technical work involving the CCH Suite of products. 

Complete this technical questionnaire regarding your environment to aid discussions and planning for your project.



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