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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 - Update Guide

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Introduction and Key Guidance Notes

This release provides the compliance changes required for Statutory Instrument 2012 No.2301. This affects the Audit Exemption thresholds for all accounting periods ending on or after 1st October 2012. Additionally there are a small number of fixes.

  • CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 is a 32-bit application. It has passed our testing on both 32 bit and 64 bit Workstation operating systems.
  • If for technical reasons you are using CCH Accounts Production (VAP) Version 2.66, continue to do so.
  • CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 recommends a minimum monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Not Supported

Note: CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 is not supported on the following platforms:
- Windows Home platforms
- Microsoft® Windows 95 platform
- Windows 98
- Windows NT
- Unix like operating systems (i.e. Linux, GNU, Linux, Minix, OpenSolaris, Plan 9, or BSD)
- Windows server 2000
- Windows 8

Support Ending for Windows Server 2003
From 14 July 2015 Microsoft® ceases supporting Windows Server 2003 family of products, from this date CCH Accounts Production (VAP) is no longer supported on this platform.





Before you Proceed - Read This!

IMPORTANT: Before you install CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 there are several steps that you must perform to ensure a smooth and trouble-free upgrade.

  1. Confirm that you have a current and valid backup of all your Client Data, together with copies of your VIZACOMP.MDB, VIZANOM.MDB, and VIZAGLOB.MDB files and any specially modified master Pages or Notes.
  2. Plan the timing of the installation as you will be unable to use your current version of CCH Accounts Production (VAP) until your workstations have been upgraded. We estimate that a network installation on 10 PCs takes half-a-day.
  3. Ensure that you have zipped copies of any data already sent to clients for signing. This enables you to reproduce the accounts on an alternative PC running a pre-updated version. Accounts printed under CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 will not produce the same output as the prior version as the formats have been updated and many statutory changes automatically applied.
  4. Remember if you have portables that are out of the office these must be upgraded to CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 upon their return.
  5. When performing a Network Administrator’s installation, ensure you have rights to create folders on the network.
  6. If any files (e.g. master formats) have been flagged as Read Only, unflag them.
  7. If you are using CCH Accounts Production (VAP) with multiple versions of the VIZACOMP.MDB (i.e. different Statutory Databases e.g. UK, Non UK), contact the CCH Software Customer Care and Support team before installing CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50.
  8. If you are using CCH Accounts Production (VAP) on a Citrix Server contact your own Network Administrator regarding the installation and upgrade of CCH Accounts Production (VAP).
  9. The drive conventions used in this Installation Guide are as follows:
  • It is assumed that all local drives are C:\.
  • It is assumed that all network drives are T:\.

If you are not using these drive letters, substitute your drive letter where appropriate.

Note: we have designed the installation process to be as user-friendly as possible. The CCH Software Support team will try to resolve any installation problems promptly. However, it is not our policy to conduct the installation over the telephone. If you are unable to perform the installation yourself, we can come out to your premises to install CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50. This service is chargeable. To find out more call 0844 56 181 81#3 or create a case.

Administrator's Installation Summary

Version 7.xx License
The licence method for Version 7.xx has been updated. This means that if you are upgrading from an earlier version (Pre 7.xx) then you have to re-enter the PIN during the installation. However, if you are upgrading to VAP 7.50 from any earlier version of VAP 7.xx you will not need to input the PIN again. You may check the current VAP PIN while running VAP by clicking on Help > About > Shift+F2. Otherwise you may contact the support team to obtain the current PIN.

Vista users

  • If running a Network install from a Microsoft Vista workstation, the User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled before the network install begins. After the completion of the network installation the UAC must be reinstated.
  • If running a workstation install to a laptop and using a Travel profile, the User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled before the workstation install begins. After the completion of the installation the UAC must be reinstated before rebooting the machine.
  • If installing to a standalone workstation then the UAC does not need to be disabled before installation.

You must run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) with UAC either on or off - do not switch between modes as this will write data to different locations which will not be accessible from both modes.

  • It is recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run with XP compatibility enabled.
  • It is not recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run as an administrator.

Windows 7 users

  • If running a Network install from a Microsoft Windows 7 workstation, the User Account Control (UAC) must be completely disabled before the network install begins. After the completion of the network installation the UAC must be returned to its original setting.
  • If running a workstation install to a laptop and using a Travel profile, the User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled before the workstation install begins. After the completion of the installation the UAC must be reinstated before rebooting the machine.
  • If installing to a standalone workstation then the UAC does not need to be disabled before installation.

You must run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) with UAC either on or off - do not switch between modes as this will write data to different locations which will not be accessible from both modes.

  • It is recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run with XP compatibility enabled.
  • It is not recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run as an administrator.

Windows 8 users
VAP is not compatible with Windows 8.

CCH Singleview
Before installing the VAP upgrade you should disconnect VAP link within the global settings in the CCH Singleview server as it may keep a file lock on the Vizacomp.mdb (Statutory Database), which will prevent the upgrade being successfully run.

Network Installation

  1. Confirm that you have a Current and Valid backup of all your Client Data, together with copies of your VIZACOMP.MDB, VIZANOM.MDB, and VIZAGLOB.MDB files and all specially modified master Pages or Notes.
  2. Perform the repair routines. See Repair Routines on page 8 for further information.
  3. The Network Administrator’s installation must be performed on a PC configured to run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) Production and not on the actual network server.
  4. If configured to use DBSwitcher ensure that the workstation is switched to the correct profile and that the switcher is not running.
  5. Run the installation.
  6. Click Yes to update the VIZACOMP.MDB. You must update your Statutory Database.

Workstation Installation

Complete the Network Administrator’s Installation before you commence the Workstation Installation.
1. If configured to use DBSwitcher ensure that the workstation is switched to the correct profile and that the switcher is not running.
2. Browse to the VIZAINST folder and run WSETUP.EXE file.
3. Follow the onscreen installation instructions.
4. Create the Program Icons for CCH Accounts Production (VAP) Production Version 7.50 and test that they work correctly.
5. Restart Windows.

Repair Routines

Prior to installing this update run the following repair routines:

  1. Ensure every user has exited all the CCH Accounts Production (VAP) modules.
  2. Make a backup of your Vizanom.mdb, Vizacomp.mdb and Vizaglob.mdb files. These files are normally located in C:\Program Files\Viztopia32 on a standalone PC or T:\Viza on a network.

If you are using CCH Accounts Production (VAP)Version 5.x or later

  1. Select Start > Programs > Viztopia 32 > Viztopia. The Login to CCH Accounts Production (VAP) window appears.
  2. Log on as the Super User.
  3. Cancel the Open (Client List) window.
  4. Select Tools > Repair > Statutory Database
  5. Highlight the VIZACOMP.MDB and click Open. The following message appears:
  6. Click Yes and then wait for the repair complete confirmation message, which appears below the toolbar.
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to repair the VIZANOM.MDB.

Note: if any error messages appear while performing the above steps, note down the details and create a case or call 0844 56 181 81#3.

On completion of this update ensure that each person using CCH Accounts Production (VAP) reads the Product Release Notes which accompany this release.

Installation Routine Outline

Pre installation information

The CCH Accounts Production (VAP) software installation routine provides a very reliable install routine. This installation combines all previous routines supplied and distributed by CCH Software. The setup file contains all Accounts Production modules available. Your entitlement and registration determines the software components that can be installed. The setup file includes the following:

  • Standalone Installation/Upgrade
  • Network Administrator's Installation/Upgrade
  • Workstation Installation/Upgrade (including Notebooks)
  • All format types

You are asked for confirmation of the Personal Identification Number (PIN) at installation time. This has been implemented for several reasons. The CCH Accounts Production VAPv7-50.exe carries all the CCH Accounts Production (VAP) modules. The Registration and PIN combination determines which components can be installed. If you decide at a later stage that you want to purchase an additional formats module e.g. Pension Formats, all you have to do is re-install the software entering a new PIN that we supply to you. If CCH Accounts Production (VAP) is being installed on a Network, then the PIN only needs to be entered once during the Network Administrator's Installation.

The software is also aware of your annual licence renewal date. Encoded into the PIN is the date that the software expires. 30 days before the expiry date a message appears the first time you start CCH Accounts Production (VAP) each day. After these 30 days the software ceases to work. During the 30 days prior to expiry you should receive an annual renewal statement containing your new PIN.

Standalone Installation

The standalone installation installs and upgrades a single standalone PC with CCH Accounts Production (VAP). You have the option to carry out a full install or a custom install. The full install updates all the components that have been purchased, while the custom install allows you to select specific components for installation.
The standalone installation performs a straightforward install on the PC. Before the routine installs any files, it searches the Windows folder for the configuration files used by CCH Accounts Production (VAP). If it finds these files then the installation routine assumes that it is an upgrade and not a first time installation.

Network Administrator's Installation

The Network Administrator's Installation copies all the files required to run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) to the network file server, so that a workstation installation can be executed to set up each workstation. Before any files are copied to the file server, the routine searches the registry for any CCH Accounts Production (VAP) settings. If these exist then the installation routine assumes that this is an upgrade and not a first time installation. If an upgrade is being performed and the installation routine can find the files VIZANOM.MDB, VIZACOMP.MDB and VIZAGLOB.MDB in the folders listed in the registry then these files are not copied on to the server. The formats and group formats are installed over the existing formats/group formats and a copy is made in the folder Backup of the Installation folder. A backup is only made of files, which have been modified.

If a first time installation is being performed, then it is strongly recommended that the default locations be used. The default location is T:\VIZA for the shared components with the formats being installed in a Formats folder. The default location for the workstation installation components is T:\VIZAINST.

Once all the files have been installed to the specified folder then a VIZAINST.INI file is created. This contains the paths to the various shared files and the registration details. This file is then used by the workstation installation to setup and configure all the workstations.

Workstation Installation

The Workstation Installation can only be used after the completion of the Network Administrator's Installation. It needs to be executed on each PC that uses CCH Accounts Production (VAP). The installation copies all the necessary files from the server to the workstation. It also configures the PC based on the information entered in the Network Administrator's Installation.
When you are installing on workstations running Windows 2000, XP or Vista, the workstation installation must be performed under the Local Administrator’s login (or local administration equivalent).

Formats and Specialist Formats Installation

The Standard, Group and Specialist Formats are installed as part of the installation routine, assuming you have purchased these options.

Network Administrator's Installation

The upgrade to CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 is a Full Upgrade. This means that if a Network Installation was used to install the current version then a Network Installation must be used to upgrade. The Network Administrator’s Installation must be performed on a PC configured to run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) and not on the actual network server.

If installed using a Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 workstation, the User Account Control must be disabled before the network install begins. The User Account Control may be reinstated once the network install is completed.

Note: It is advisable that the upgrade is not conducted on a PC that uses DB Switcher; if there is no alternative; ensure that the Network profile is the currently selected profile.

To initiate the installation :
1. Download setup file from CCH.
2. Run the CCH Accounts Production VAP v7-50.exe. The Welcome window appears.
3. Click Next. The Registration Information window appears along with your current PIN number. Click Next. The Installation Type window appears.
4. Select Network. Click Next and follow the subsequent window instructions regarding the Workstation Setup Directory, Shared Components Directory Installation and Formats Directory. The suggested paths should be correct, as these have been identified from the workstation’s settings.
5. Unless advised otherwise accept the default locations. Once these are set, a Confirmation window appears and the files are copied from the setup file to the workstation setup directory.
6. On completion of the transfer of files, the installation updates the existing VIZACOMP.MDB (Statutory Database). The Update Statutory Database window appears. Click Yes to update the VIZACOMP.MDB. CCH Software recommends that you update your Statutory Database. The Abort Program window appears. This window appears because the update is a fairly timely process. Click Yes to continue the update.

Note: during the update of the Statutory Database you may see that some of the timings are as follows: Time Remaining 85 minutes 7 seconds
These timings may not be accurate and are out of the control of CCH Software to alter.

7. A Tidying up window appears and then an Update Statutory Database update window. Click OK to update.
8. On completion of the installation, the Network Administrator’s Installation Complete window appears. Click Finish.

The Workstation Installation

The workstation installation should be run by a login with local administrator rights and only after the Network Administrator’s installation has been completed.
During the installation you are requested to restart your PC. Therefore, you should close all applications before continuing.
If your workstation is currently running DBSwitcher, ensure that the PC is configured to run Standalone or Local. The effect of switching to Standalone and then running the Wsetup.exe upgrade is that the local VIZACOMP.MDB file is upgraded and the formats are copied to the local PC at the location set in the DB Switcher.

1. Under Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 select Start > Run.

Note: VAP is not compatible with Windows 8.
Note: If running workstation install to a laptop and wish to use Travel profile, the user Account Control (UAC) must be disabled before the workstation install begins. After the completion of the installation the UAC must be reinstated before rebooting the machine.

If installing to a standalone workstation then the UAC does not need to be disabled before installation.
You must run CCH Accounts Production (VAP) with UAC either on or off - do not switch between modes as this will write data to different locations which will not be accessible from both modes.

  • It is recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run with XPSP2 compatibility enabled.
  • It is not recommended that the Viztopia.exe is run as an administrator.

2. Type or browse to the T:\VIZAINST\WSETUP.EXE (or equivalent path) mapping and press Enter.
3. Click OK. The Welcome window appears.
4. Click Next. The Installation Type window appears.
5. Select Full Installation and click Next.
6. The DBSwitcher Installation window appears. (if this a new install onto a notebook then you should click on “Yes” to Travel. The installation routine will create the Network and Standalone profile in the DBSwitcher and you will able access the data in the network and create client in Local)
7. If you select No it is assumed that this PC is always attached to the network. It is therefore only necessary to set the Program folder that is used locally. Select the required option and click Next.
8. The Select Program Folder window appears. The standard default is C:\Program Files\Viztopia32. Click Next. The Start Installation window appears.
9. If upgrading from CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.xx, a MYOB ODBC driver uninstall routine appears.
10. The default for this window is Remove, you must click Next.
11. Click OK. The Shared File Detected window appears.
12. Select the Don’t display this message again check-box and click Yes.
13. The Shared File Detected window appears again. Click in the Don’t display this message again check-box and click Yes.
14. Click Finish when the InstallShield Wizard Complete window appears. The Create Program Icons window appears.
15. You must create the Program Icons for CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 to ensure that all the correct shortcuts are created on the StartPrograms menu. The Create Icons check-box is selected by default. Click Next. The Installation Complete window appears.

Note: This procedure does not put shortcuts onto your desktop.

16. The Display Readme File check-box is selected by default. Please untick this option and click Next. (CCH Software strongly recommends that these product release notes are printed and distributed to all users as they document both the new
features and the corrections incorporated in this update. These are available from the CCH Support Download Centre).
17. The Register File Associations window appears. Click Restart Windows Now.

Standalone Installation

The upgrade to CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 is a Full Upgrade. During the installation you are requested to restart your PC. Therefore, you should close all applications before continuing. When you are installing on a PC running Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 the installation must be performed under the Local Administrator’s login (or local administration equivalent).

Note: Viztopia is not compatible with Windows 8.

To initiate the installation:
1. Download the setup file from CCH.
2. Run the CCH Accounts Production VAP v7-50.exe file.
3. The Registration Information window appears along with your current PIN number. Click Next. The Installation Type window appears.
4. Select Standalone and click Next. Another Installation Type window appears.
5. Select Full Installation and click Next. The Select Program Folder window appears. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Viztopia32
6. Click Next. The Select Formats Folder window appears for each set of formats you are licensed for. You need to define where the formats are to be installed. The application defaults to the format locations set under the previous version of CCH Accounts Production (VAP).
7. Having selected the path(s) click Next. The Start Installation window appears.
8. Check the components and click Next. The installation commences.
9. Once the CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v7.50 files have been copied to the chosen location you are given an opportunity to update the common databases:

  • Statutory Database (VIZACOMP.MDB)
  • Nominal Ledger (VIZANOM.MDB)
  • User List (VIZAGLOB.MDB)

10. During the installation of an upgrade from CCH Accounts Production (VAP) v6.00 or above, a CCH ODBC driver uninstall routine appears.
11. The default option for this window is Remove, you must click Next.
12. Click OK. The Shared File Detected window appears.
13. Click in the Don’t display this message again check-box and click Yes.
14. The Shared File Detected window appears again. Click in the Don’t display this message again check-box and click Yes.
15. The InstallShield Wizard Complete window appears to indicate the uninstall routine is now complete click Finish.
16. On completion of the transfer of files, the installation updates the existing VIZACOMP.MDB (Statutory Database). The Update Statutory Database window appears. Click Yes to update the VIZACOMP.MDB. CCH Software recommends that you update your Statutory Database. The Abort Program window appears. This window appears because the update is a fairly timely process. Click Yes to continue.

Note: during the update of the Statutory Database, you may see that some of the timings are as follows: Time Remaining 85 minutes 7 seconds
These timings may not be accurate and are out of the control of CCH Software to alter.

17. The upgrade continues to install and upgrade your existing Statutory Database (Vizacomp.MDB).
18. A Tidying up window appears and then a Database update window. Click OK to continue.
19. On completion of the installation, the Standalone Installation Complete window appears. Click Finish.
Multiple DBSwitcher Profiles
For every additional profile on the workstation you have to run the DBSwitcher program and switch to the profile then run the C:\Program files\Viztopia32\Update32.exe.

Post Installation Procedures

  • On completion of this update ensure that each person using CCH Accounts Production (VAP) reads the Product Release Notes, which accompany this release. These are displayed at the end of the installation and are also available in the Formats folder as a readme.doc file.
  • The installation routine will only create the short cut of the program in the start up menu. You may want to create the short cut onto the desktop manually.
  • If you are getting “items not found in this collection” when opening VAP. This is because you did not update the vizacomp.mdb file during the network installation. Make sure no one is using VAP and then run update32.exe from the install directory i.e. T:\Vizainst.
  • You must update the client data to the newer version when you open the client in the new version of VAP. It is not necessary to update the chart if you are using your own chart. You may update the chart of account at later stage.

Pre-VAP v5.1 Users Only - If you only use CCH Accounts Production (VAP) for bookkeeping purposes and do not produce Statutory or Management Accounts; you will not have an entry on the client list for the bookkeeping ledger. Previously, the bookkeeping ledger was not stored in the VIZACOMP.MDB file.

To add the client to the list:

  1. Select Tools > Add existing client to database. The Add New Company window appears.
  2. Click Browse next to the Data Path field.
  3. Browse to the client’s directory and highlight the *.VIZ file. Click Open to populate the Data Path field.
  4. Select one of the Formula Sets listed, Formula 1 being the standard 3-digit code list and Formula 3 being the standard 4-digit code list.
  5. Click Update to add the client to the VIZACOMP.MDB file. The new client appears on the Open (Client List) window.

Known Installation Issues

Windows XP Installations

Installation on Windows XP workstations may generate a Windows File Protection warning that requires the insertion of the operating system installation CD. We are attempting to determine the cause of this message. If you receive this warning either insert the CD or cancel the message. It would appear that either option does not affect the operation of your workstation or CCH Accounts Production (VAP).

Vista or Windows 7 Installations

If you are getting “Items not found in this collection” after upgrading VAP to a newer version on the Vista or Windows 7 machine this is because another Program Files\Viztopia32 directory has been created in each local user profile. Please read the following knowledgebase article, 801 for the solution;

Citrix Installations

“Permission or Access denied” when Access VAP from a Citrix session. You must install VAP in Install mode if you are not sure what Install mode is, please contact your internal IT Administrator.

Terminal Server

If you are running CCH Accounts Production (VAP) via Terminal server and you cannot open the Trial Balance or Statutory Database, then please read the following knowledge base article, 718 for the solution;

Reinstalling VAP 7.50

If you are required to reinstall VAP 7.50 you must uninstall the “Taxonomy ActiveX” from add remove programs before reinstalling the application.


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