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CCH Accounts Production 2023.2: Release Notes

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CCH Accounts Production 2023.2 Release Notes

Release Highlights

This release provides a compliance update for the Academies Accounts Direction 2022/23 and support for the UK FRC 2023 taxonomies. In addition there are a number of enhancements and other usability improvements.

  • Academies Accounting Direction 2022/23
  • Support for the UK FRC 2023 taxonomies
  • Accounts for Small Self-Administered Schemes (SASS) pension accounts
  • Updates to ten Master Packs are also provided.

This release provides a number of enhancements and other usability improvements covering Accounts Production and Working Papers.

User Guides are available in Help here and the earlier Release Notes can be found here.


Installing CCH Accounts Production 2023.2

This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.

Legislative & Compliance Updates

Packs updated

The following master packs have been updated for this release. These are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

  • Limited (FRS 102) – pack 47.00
  • Consolidated (FRS 102) – pack 39.00 
  • Limited Micro Entity (FRS 105) – pack 30.00 
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) – pack 34.00 
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) – pack 19.00 
  • Limited IFRS – pack 39.00 
  • Consolidated (IFRS) – pack 13.00  
  • Unincorporated – pack 21.00  
  • Academies – pack 15.00  
  • Pension funds – pack 14.00  

Key changes that apply to multiple packs

Signature lines

By default, the signature lines above directors' names are suppressed once the date of signing has been entered into the statutory database. However, some users have expressed a preference for these to remain. Therefore a new option has been included in client preferences in the statutory database, allowing the lines to persist. This affects the chairperson's report, strategic report, directors' report, directors' responsibilities and declaration (ROI), and balance sheet.

Packs affected are:

  • FRS 102 Limited and Group, IFRS Limited and Group, FRS 102 LLP, FRS 105 Limited, FRS 105 LLP
Medium-size exemption

This is rarely applicable and affects only the strategic report and directors' report. However, the 2023 Companies House taxonomy will require it and therefore an exemption statement has been brought into both the directors' report and the balance sheet (which are not tagged).

Packs affected are:

  • FRS 102 Limited and Group
Management accounts - schedules to the income statement

For packs where this is applied, users now have the option to show the detail in schedules rather than on the face of the income statement separately for:

  • Cost of sales
  • Selling costs
  • Administration costs

Packs affected are:

  • FRS 102 Limited, FRS 102 LLP, FRS 105 Limited, FRS 105 LLP

Limited (FRS 102) Master Pack 47.00

Format amendments

Exrep - Exception report: VSTS 283209  - Where there is a rounded difference on the retained earnings balance b/fwd, show also the unrounded difference. 
Page3con - Contents: VSTS 286614 - Make Directors’ Declaration optional. 
Page4cr - Chairperson's statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4sr - Strategic report: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 283209  - Flexed exemption statement according to whether entity is small or medium-sized; Replaced #cy3 in B27 Energy tab with 'company'. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Make Directors’ Declaration within Responsibilities optional: Show Responsibilities section for ROI, whether or not audited.  
Page4drs - Directors' responsibilities statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Added columnflex; Make Directors’ Declaration within Responsibilities optional. 
Page4dd - Directors' declaration: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Added columnflex; Make Directors’ Declaration optional. 
Page6is - Profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover, unless the flag #pl100016 is set to yes (turnover not relevant). 
Page7sofp - Balance sheet: VSTS 283209  - Added statement for medium-sized entities. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page7soce - Socie: VSTS 283209  - Changed refs to profit and loss so that it uses #profit and #loss: Removed unnecessary references to the year/period. 
Note74 - Related party transactions: VSTS 283209  - Changed the print suppression to look only at the related parties flag, whether or not this is a CLG; Changed tab choice to use CLG only where not for profit. 
Note118 - Revision of defective financial statements: VSTS 283209  - Align bsig2 sign off dots above signature. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed income statement: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. VSTS  284514 - Extended DPL schedules options so that COS, Selling and Admin are controlled separately. 
Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the income statement: VSTS  284514 - Extended DPL schedules options so that COS, Selling and Admin are controlled separately. 
Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 detailed income statement: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 

Paragraph amendments

Audit report - irregularities response action 1    
 to Audit report - irregularities response action10:
    VSTS 283209  - Removed additional blank line at end of paragraph. 
Balance sheet - medium-sized companies regime: VSTS 283209  - Added statement for medium-sized entities.
Director's report - small or medium company exemption statement: VSTS 283209  - Flexed according to whether entity is small or medium-sized. 
General - client preferences - approval of revised accounts: VSTS 286614 - Changed indent in paragraph. 

Name range amendments 

OGLHDGTOT    Hedging gains in other gains and losses    Was 4171..4173        Now    4371..4373

Statutory database amendments

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option
Other notes, Related parties: Amended rules for flag and section so that CLGs are able to easily hide this note
Directors's report, Responsibilities: Added flag #cd999724 - Options for ROI Declaration
Balance sheet: Repurposed previously invisible pargraph #bs99904 for Medium-sized companies statement
Management collection, Profit & loss: Added flags #mc4 and #mc5 for showing cost of sales and selling costs on separate schedules


Consolidated (FRS 102) Master Pack 39.00 

Format amendments 

Page4cr - Chairperson's statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4sr - Strategic report: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 283209  - Flexed exemption statement according to whether entity is small or medium-sized; Replaced #cy3 in Energy tab B27 with 'group'. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4drs - Directors' responsibilities statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Added columnflex. 
Page4dd - Directors' declaration: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Added columnflex. 
Page7gsofp - Group balance sheet: VSTS 283209  - Added statement for medium-sized entities. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page7sofp - Company balance sheet: VSTS 283209  - Added statement for medium-sized entities. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 

Paragraph amendments

Balance sheet - medium-sized companies regime: VSTS 283209  - Repurposed as statement for medium-sized entities. 
Director's report - small or medium company exemption statement: VSTS 283209  - Flexed exemption statement according to whether entity is small or medium-sized. 

Name range amendments 

OGLHDGTOT    Hedging gains in other gains and losses    Was 4171..4173        Now    4371..4373

Statutory database amendments 

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option
Balance sheet: Repurposed previously invisible pargraph #bs99904 for Medium-sized companies statement


Limited (FRS 105) Master Pack 30.00 

Format amendments 

Exrep - Exception report: VSTS 283209  - Where there is a rounded difference on the retained earnings balance b/fwd, show also the unrounded difference. 
Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered.  
Page6is - Profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
Page7sofp - Balance sheet: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered.  
Microdetailedpl - Detailed income statement (frs 105): VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
102dpl - Detailed income statement (frs 102): VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. VSTS  284514 - Extended DPL schedules options so that COS, Selling and Admin are controlled separately.  
Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the income statement (frs 102): VSTS  284514 - Extended DPL schedules options so that COS, Selling and Admin are controlled separately. 
Crlysch - Schedule of creditors due within one year: VSTS 283209  - Changed formula from CLIAB105 (Cred) to CLIAB105V (All) plus a row for VATC so that it will pick up any debit balances apart from VAT (as the balance sheet does). 
Formattedtb105 - Formatted trial balance: VSTS 283209  - Removed additional page breaks; Suppressed accrued income section where nil. 

Statutory database amendments 

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option
Management collection, Profit & loss: Added flags #mc4 and #mc5 for showing cost of sales and selling costs on separate schedules

Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) Master Pack 34.00 

Format amendments 

Page4mem - Members' report: VSTS 283209  - Replaced #cy3 in Energy tab B27 with 'LLP'. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4mrs - Members' responsibilities statement: VSTS 286614 - Added columnflex. 
Page6is - Profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
Page7sofp - Balance sheet: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page7soce - Statement of changes in equity: VSTS 283209  - Removed currency translation REOTHTRFS from revaluation reserve column. 
Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the income statement: VSTS  284514 - Extended DPL schedules options so that COS, Selling and Admin are controlled separately. 
Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 detailed income statement: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 

Statutory database amendments 

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option
Management collection, Profit & loss: Added flags #mc4 and #mc5 for showing cost of sales and selling costs on separate schedules; Put options under subheading

Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) Master Pack 19.00 

Format amendments 

The following formats were amended:

Page6is - Profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
Microdetailedpl - Detailed trading and profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 

IFRS Master Pack 39.00 

Format amendments 

Exrep - Exception report: VSTS 283209  - Where there is a rounded difference on the retained earnings balance b/fwd, show also the unrounded difference. 
Page4cr - Chairperson's statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4sr - Strategic report: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 283209  - Replaced #cy3 in Energy tab B27 with 'company'. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Moved directors from column F to G. 
Page4drs - Directors' responsibilities statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page6is - Income statement: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line (FRS 101) even where there is no turnover. 
Page7sofp - Sofp: VSTS 283209 - Amended row suppression for Format 2 FRS101 so that duplicate of total line does not occur. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered; Moved signatures section to separate tab. 
Page7soce - Socie: VSTS 283209  - Removed unnecessary references to the year/period. 
Note28 - Investments: VSTS 283209  - In Movements tab, add extra line after message that there are no comparatives. 
Note35 - Trade receivables credit risk: VSTS 283209  - In Attachment tab, corrected linkage of % column. 
Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed income statement: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 

Paragraph amendments

Income statement - basis of preparation: VSTS 283209  -  Amended paragraph to use #tErmh2 not #tErm2  
Income statement - recognised gains and losses: VSTS 283209  -  Amended paragraph to use #tErmh2 not #tErm2  

Statutory database amendments 

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option

Consolidated IFRS Master Pack 13.00 

Format amendments 

The following formats were amended:

Page4cr - Chairperson's statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4sr - Strategic report: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 283209  - Replaced #cy3 in Energy tab B27 with 'group'. VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page4drs - Directors' responsibilities statement: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page7sofp - Group sofp: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Page7soce - Group socie: VSTS 283209  - Removed unnecessary references to the year/period. 
Note28 - Investments: VSTS 283209  - In Movements tab, add extra line after message that there are no comparatives. 
Note35 - Trade receivables credit risk: VSTS 283209  - In Attachment tab, corrected linkage of % columns. 
Page17sofp - Company sofp: VSTS 286614 - Added option #cd999723 to show signature line after the signing dates have been entered. 
Note28c - Investments - co: VSTS 283209  - In Movements tab, add extra line after message that there are no comparatives. 

Paragraph amendments

Income statement - basis of preparation: VSTS 283209  -  Amended paragraph to use #tErmh2 not #tErm2  
Income statement - recognised gains and losses: VSTS 283209  -  Amended paragraph to use #tErmh2 not #tErm2  

Statutory database amendments 

Client preferences: Added flag #cd999723 - Signature lines option

Unincorporated Master Pack 21.00 

Format amendments 

The following formats were amended:

Exrep - Exception report: VSTS 283209  - Where there is a rounded difference on the retained earnings balance b/fwd, show also the unrounded difference. 
Page5ac2 - Accountants' report: VSTS 283209  - For the Scope paragraph placement, replaced the ref to accountancy body 3 (CAI) with 6 (CPA). 
Page6is - Profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
Note01 - Accounting policies: VSTS 283209  - Suppress policy for biological assets if there are none in the TB. 
Frs102dpl - Detailed profit and loss account: VSTS 283209  - Show the turnover line even where there is no turnover. 
Frs102dplsch - Schedules to detailed profit and loss: VSTS 283209  - Suppress COS tab if there is no COS. 

Academies Master Pack 15.00 

Overview of changes

Master Pack 15.00 applies to all Academy financial statements with accounting periods commencing on or after 1 September 2022, normally with periods ending 31 August 2023. It incorporates the changes introduced by the Academies Accounts Direction 2022 to 2023, which are minimal, with minor changes to wordings and disclosures.

Minor changes were also made in response to user requests.

A user guide for Academies and other training materials are available in online Help.

Format amendments 

The following formats were amended:

Exceprep - Exception report: VSTS 278671 - Added checks of Depreciation/amortisation: SOFA vs expenditure note vs asset notes. 
Page5aud - Auditor's report: VSTS 278671 - Added optional auditor's designation; Changed SSA exemption para to #cd999530 and applied suppression to all SSA information where the exemption applies. 
Page6sf1 - Statement of financial activities: VSTS 278671 - Reduced notes column width to 0.45. 
Page7bs - Balance sheet: VSTS 278671 - Reduced notes column width to 0.45; Changed both lines referring to balances before pensions (27 and 34) to follow the same wording as Coketown; Moved Co reg number to left side and added (England and Wales). 
Note06 - Funding for educational operations: VSTS 278671 - Moved 'Other incoming resources' so that it is part of the Educational operations funding; Flexed headings dependent on whether there is non-educational funding. 
Note08 - Expenditure: VSTS 278671 - Changed order of rows in final two tables to follow Coketown; Showed material payments totals in a column separate from individual totals. 
Note14 - Staff costs: VSTS 278671 - Moved severance payments column closer to the ranges; added £ before 0 - £25,000 range; Amended suppression of severance section so that it is triggered by entry into the bands. 
Note24 - Stock: VSTS 278671 - Changed heading from "Stocks" to "Stock". 
Note31 - Deferred income: VSTS 278671 - Changed formatting of balance c/fwd to non-bold. 

Paragraph amendments 

Governance statement - audit committee - introduction: VSTS 278671 - Updates required by the 2023 AAD - add explanatory text.
Governance statement - finance committee - introduction: VSTS 278671 - Updates required by the 2023 AAD - add explanatory text. 
Governance statement - review of effectiveness - introduction: VSTS 278671 - Updates required by the 2023 AAD (expand acronym). 
Governance statement - review of value for money - intro 1: VSTS 278671 - Minor updates required by the 2023 AAD. 
Notes - b/s - pension - lgps 2: VSTS 278671 - Minor updates required by the 2023 AAD. 
Regularity - responsibilities of accounting officer: VSTS 278671 - Minor updates required by the 2023 AAD. 
Trustees report - reserves 2 - funds review: VSTS 278671 - Removed blank line at end. 
Trustees report - reserves 4 - value of free reserves: VSTS 278671 - Removed blank line at end. 
Trustees report - risk management statement: VSTS 278671 - Minor updates required by the 2023 AAD. 

Statutory database amendments  

Audit report, Options: Added grid and flag #cd999710 - Override designation

Pension Funds Master Pack 14.00 

Key enhancements

  • This pack has been reviewed and updated throughout, ensuring that it complies more closely with regulations.
  • Additional options have been included.
  • The pack can now be used for SSAS pension schemes. 
Small self-administered schemes (SSAS)

These schemes vary in size and complexity and may or may not require an audit. The pack deals with the various situations by permitting the user to apply various options:

  • #px603 Is this a small self-administered scheme? [Options: SSAS preparing true and fair financial statements; SSAS not preparing true and fair financial statements; Not an SSAS]
  • #px601 Do you wish to take advantage of the exemption to not provide the information otherwise required by The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 2013?
  • #px602 If this is small self-administered scheme which is NOT preparing true and fair financial statements, it does not require a trustees' report. Do you wish to include a non-statutory trustees' report?

Depending on the options chosen, the user is able to prepare SSAS statements in the form most applicable to the scheme. The main effect of the options is to modify what is disclosed in the trustees' report, and the suppression of various pages such as the governance statement. The notes to the financial statements will be created in full, depending on balances in the TB, and users will need to suppress any notes they do not want to print (within the financial statements screen).

Other key changes
  • Previously, many statutory database paragraphs and optional headings did not roll forward to the next period. This has been corrected throughout.
  • The rules applying to various disclosures have been clarified in the guidance and over-disclosure reduced.
  • The governance statement can now be suppressed where the scheme is exempt.
  • Many designations used in the Trustees and advisors page can now be overridden.
  • The reconciliation of membership numbers is now optional and users can choose to show only the figures at the date chosen. 
  • The fund account for hybrid schemes now shows the full comparatives.
  • All notes for hybrid schemes now follow a six-column approach and have amendable headings.
  • The investment report is now always included in the trustees' report, with no option to show it separately.
  • There are clearer options for auditing Schedule of Contributions and/or a Payments Schedule.
  • The accountants' report has been updated in line with the most recent guidance from accountancy bodies. Any references to the Companies Act have been replaced with the relevant Pensions regulations and the user now has an explained choice between the type of report applied.
  • The "Compliance report" has been deleted and all mandatory information in it is now included within the Trustees' report.

Format amendments 

The following formats were amended:

P01cover - Front cover: VSTS 222245 - Added "Annual" to report description; Suppressed reference to the report if it is not included. 
P02contents - Contents: VSTS 222245 - Included option to suppress the trustees' report, trustees' responsibility, governance statement and actuarial statement for some SSASs; Adjusted for combination of DC and DB net assets statements; Removed Investment report and Compliance statement. 
P03trusteesadvisors - Trustees and advisors: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex; Provided overrides for some titles; Distinguished between scheme administrator and investment manager; Automatically flexed for single/plural. 
P04trusteesreport - Trustees' report: VSTS 222245 - Miscellaneous improvements to headings; Included option to suppress the trustees' report for some SSASs; Added columnflex; Added paragraphs #px604 and #px605, removed #px156; Added separate section for pension rate changes; Suppressed contributions section where they are not audited and enabled user to use the figures from the note; Suppressed Responsibilities and Actuarial sections if this is a SSAS not applying true & fair; Reworked membership section: Added para for changes to scheme advisors; Added introduction para #px643 for contributions; Added paragraph in Responsibilities so that both a Schedule of Contributions and a Payments Schedule can be referred to; Changed order of paragraphs in Responsibilities to match that in separate statement. 
P04aaactuarialliab - Report on actuarial liabilities: VSTS 222245 - Suppress if this is a SSAS not applying true & fair; Formatted actuarial assumptions as subheadings; Applied columnflex; Removed PY data and reference to CY period end; Added "(forming part of the Trustee’s Report)" to title. 
P04atrusteesresponsibilities - Trustees' responsibilities statement: VSTS 222245 - Suppress if this is a SSAS not applying true & fair; Applied columnflex; Added paragraph so that both a Schedule of Contributions and a Payments Schedule can be referred to. 
P04bgovernancestmnt - Governance statement: VSTS 222245 - Suppress governance statement for SSASs or where the Scheme is exempt; Added headings to the statement and applied keep together; Applied columnflex. 
P05aauditcontbnstmnt - Auditor's statement about contributions: VSTS 222245 - Put header into upper case; Moved Bannerman paragraph to the end, with its own heading. 
P06accountantsreport - Accountants' report: VSTS 222245 - Use #cd22=0 only as the trigger for the accountants' report. 
P08fundaccount - Fund account: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex and corrected formatting. 
P09hybfundaccount - Fund account - hybrid: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex and corrected formatting. Added full comparatives; Applied amendable headings. 
P11netassetsstatementdefben - Statement of net assets - db and dc only: VSTS 222245 - Amended to apply to both DB only and DC only schemes. Applied columnflex and corrected formatting; Moved current assets/liabilities into main column; Suppressed actuarial paragraph for SSASs not applying true and fair. 
P12hybnetassetsstatement - Statement of net assets - hybrid: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex; Suppressed actuarial paragraph for SSASs that are not applying true and fair; Added full comparatives; Applied amendable headings. 
P14membersinformation - Members information: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex and keep together; changed TPAS reference to Money Helper. 
N01basisofpreparation - Basis of preparation: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex and improved keep together; Suppressed for simple SSAS. 
N02accountingpolicies - Accounting policies: VSTS 222245 - Added paragraph relating to legal form and address; Suppressed for basic SSAS. 

For all notes below: VSTS 222245 - Applied columnflex and improved keep together & formatting; For hybrid notes also added full comparatives across 6 columns, with amendable headings.

N04contributions - Contributions                                                          N05hybcontributions - Contributions                        
N06transfersin - Transfers in                                                                  N07hybtransfersin - Transfers in
N08otherincome - Other income                                                           N09hybotherincome - Other income
N11benefitspayable - Benefits paid or payable                                     N12hybbenefitspayable - Benefits paid or payable
N13paymentstoleavers - Payments to and on account of leavers       N14hybpaymentstoleavers - Payments to and on account of leavers
N15otherpayments - Other payments                                                    N16hybotherpayments - Other payments
N17adminexpenses - Administration expenses                                     N18hybadminexpenses - Administration expenses
N20investmentincome - Investment income                                         N21hybinvestmentincome - Investment income
N24investmentmanagementexpenses - Investment management     N25hybinvestmentmanagementexpenses - Investment management expenses
N50taxation - Taxation
N30investmentmovement - Reconciliation of investments                  N31hybinvestmentmovement - Reconciliation of investments
N56property - Property
N57piv - Pooled investment vehicles                                                       N57hybpiv - Pooled investment vehicles
N58derivatives - Derivatives                                                                     N59insurancepolicies - Insurance policies
N61dbavcinv - Defined benefit avc investments                                     N62hybavc - Avc investments
N34tangibleassets - Tangible fixed assets                                               N35hybtangibleassets - Tangible fixed assets
N36intangibleassets - Intangible fixed assets                                         N37hybintangibleassets - Intangible fixed assets
N51fairvalue - Fair value determination                                                   N52investrisk - Investment risk disclosures
N63conc - Concentration of investments                                                 N53selfinv - Self investment
N39currentassets - Current assets                                                            N40hybcurrentassets - Current assets
N41currentliabilities - Current liabilities                                                  N42hybcurrentliabilities - Current liabilities
N43borrowings - Borrowings                                                                     N44hybborrowings - Borrowings
N45audethical - Non-audit services                                                         N46relatedparties - Related party transactions
N54conting - Contingencies and commitments                                       N55subsequent - Subsequent events
N47auditorlimitation - Auditor's liability limitation agreement

Additional changes:
N30investmentmovement - Reconciliation of investments: VSTS 222245 - Corrected the table for DC investment assets designation/ allocation and suppressed it for DB only schemes and SSAS schemes not applying true & fair. 
N31hybinvestmentmovement - Reconciliation of investments: VSTS 222245 - Corrected the table for DC investment assets designation/ allocation and suppressed it for SSAS schemes not applying true & fair.  
N58derivatives - Derivatives:  VSTS 222245 - Corrected line suppression for FX contracts.  
N39currentassets - Current assets: VSTS 222245 - Removed rows for assets not designated to members 

New format:
N63conc - Concentration of investments

P13compliancestatement - Compliance statement
P10netassetsstatementdefcon - Statement of net assets - defined contribution
P07investmentreport - Investment report

Paragraph amendments

(all VSTS 222245)
Minor amendments to make capitalisation consistent: 
Audit report - basis for opinion - basis for opinion
Accounting policies - contributions
Accounting policies - investments
Accounting policies - payments to members
Adherence to statement of funding principles
Audit report - going concern - going concern conclusion 2019
Audit report - responsibilities of the trustees
Compliance statement - introduction
Governance statement - approval
Members information - introduction
Members information - pensions compensation
Notes - avc funds
Notes - contingencies and commitments
Notes - contributions - employer normal contributions in respect of salary sacrifice arrangements
Notes - derivatives - objectives and policies - forward foreign currency
Notes - derivatives - objectives and policies - futures
Notes - derivatives - objectives and policies for holding derivatives - introduction
Notes - derivatives - options - obligations and policies
Notes - derivatives - swaps - obligations and policies
Notes - frs 102 transition annuity valuation
Notes - investment risks - exposure to risks 
Notes - investment risks - further para
Notes - reconciliation of investments - repurchase agreements
Notes - taxation
Pensions - basis of prep - actuarial statement information
Pensions - basis of prep - second paragraph
Pensions - insurance - policy details
Regularity - recognise irregularities
Regularity - responsibilities of accounting officer
Sofa notes - resources expended - ex gratia payments
Sofa notes - staff costs - key management
Sofa notes - staff costs - severance payments
Sofa notes - staff costs - special severance payments
Trustees report - approval
Trustees report - compliance matters
Trustees report - connected and related
Pensions - insurance - policy details
Notes - derivatives - options - obligations and policies

Accountants' reports updated for latest guidance; Replaced refs to Companies Act with refs to Pensions Act 1995; Provided option to use unincorporated-style report:
Accountants report - introduction (acca)
Accountants report - introduction (icaew)
Accountants report - introduction (icas)
Accountants report - opinion
Accountants report - responsibilities of trustees
Accountants report - terms of engagement (acca)
Accountants report - terms of engagement (icaew)
Accountants report - terms of engagement (icas)
Updated information referred to: 
Members information - pensions ombudsman
Members information - pensions protection fund (ppf)
Members information - the pensions advisory service/money helper
Members information - the pensions regulator
Members information - pensions tracing service

Misc changes:
Trustees report - introduction: VSTS 222245 - Added ('the Scheme'). 
Governance statement - introduction: VSTS 222245 - Amended introductory paragraph to be more explicit. 
Basis of preparation - introduction: VSTS 222245 - Amended the roundings paragraph; Removed refs to FRS 102 transition. 
Audit report - bannerman: VSTS 222245 - Amendments to agree to ICAEW illustrative report. 
Audit report - opinion - opinion: VSTS 222245 - Amendments to agree to ICAEW illustrative report. 
Adequacy of rates of contributions: VSTS 222245 - Corrected to refer to the normal situation (previously, referred to a recovery plan). 
Notes - reconciliation of investments - defined contribution investments purchased from avcs: VSTS 222245 - Correction of wording.  
Auditors contribution statement - introduction: VSTS 222245 - Flexed according to the Schedules being audited. 
Auditors contribution statement - respective responsibilities: VSTS 222245 - Flexed according to the Schedules being audited. 
Auditors contribution statement - scope of work on statement about contributions: VSTS 222245 - Flexed according to the Schedules being audited. 
Auditors contribution statement - statement about contributions: VSTS 222245 - Flexed according to the Schedules being audited. 
Trustees report - further particulars: VSTS 222245 - Improved layout. 
Trustees report - review of financial development: VSTS 222245 - Improved layout. 
Trustees report - scheme advisors: VSTS 222245 - Minor amendments to capitalisation; Moved the ref to appointment/removal of trustees into the trustees para instead of advisors para. 
Notes - reconciliation of investments - indirect costs incurred through bid offers on pivs: VSTS 222245 - Minor amendments to spelling. 
Trustees report - introduction (actuarial liability): VSTS 222245 - Minor amendments to wording and capitalisation. 
Notes - self investment - detail: VSTS 222245 - Minor spelling changes. 
Trustees report - scheme trustees: VSTS 222245 - Moved constitution info to new para: Removed ref to Pension Trust Principles document; Brought the ref to appointment/removal into this para instead of advisors' para. 
Trustees report - pension increases: VSTS 222245 - Moved from compliance section into the trustees' report. 
Trustees report - scheme advisors - changes: VSTS 222245 - Moved from compliance section into the trustees' report. 
Trustees report - transfer values: VSTS 222245 - Moved from compliance section into the trustees' report; expanded info. 
Trustees report - tax status: VSTS 222245 - Moved from compliance section into the trustees' report; not needed anyway. 
Trustees report - investment report - custodial arrangements: VSTS 222245 - Moved into trustees' report node. 
Trustees report - investment report - departure from investment principles: VSTS 222245 - Moved into trustees' report node. 
Trustees report - investment report - investment principles: VSTS 222245 - Moved into trustees' report node. 
Trustees report - investment report - review of performance: VSTS 222245 - Moved into trustees' report node. 
Trustees report - contributions intro: VSTS 222245 - New paragraph to replace fixed text.
Trustees report - scheme sections: VSTS 222245 - New paragraph.
Trustees report - scheme constitution: VSTS 222245 - New paragraph. 
Notes - concentration of investments: VSTS 222245 - New section for concentration of investments.
Trustees report - investment report - employer related investments: VSTS 222245 - Provided further information and moved into trustees' report node.  
Trustees report - actuarial valuation: VSTS 222245 - Removed blank lines at end. 
Trustees report - investment report - managers: VSTS 222245 - Removed ref to ROI. VSTS 222245 - Moved into trustees' report node.  
Accounting policies - general information - legal form and address: VSTS 222245 - Replaced scheme admin address with reference to the address already provided elsewhere; Added reference to English law. 

Statutory database amendments  

Guidance was added or amended throughout. Items added are as follows:

Scheme information
SSAS exemptions flag
SSAS - Trustees report flag
SSAS options flag
Default headings grid

Trustees' report
Scheme management - Other information
Increases to pensions in payment
Suppress membership reconciliation flag
Date of membership figure
Beneficiaries grid
Members grid
Scheme advisors - changes
Date of Payment Schedule
Constitution and purpose
Hybrid scheme sections
Responsibilities: DB - Schedule of contributions

Governance statement
Exemption flag

Titles grid

Accountants' report
Unincorporated style report
Bannerman paragraph

Concentration of investments node, flag, introduction
Investments greater than 5% of net assets grid 
Free format text paragraph

Quality Improvements

CCH Accounts Production

ADO 274514 - View Transactions > List Report includes draft transactions (fixed in 2023.1 SP)

Draft transactions are now excluded as on the View Transactions screen.

ADO 277791 - Import/Export - Importing a balance with 14 digits before the decimal point errors (fixed in 2023.1 SP)

The error was: "The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column".

ADO 277866 - Saving a page to disk and reloading it loses the format code and condition (fixed in 2023.1 SP)

Pages saved to disk will now include the up to date format code and condition. Previously they would include an out of date version if the format code or condition had been edited.

ADO 281378 - Attachment not printing if a page is opened too quickly (fixed in 2023.1 SP)

If a user opens a format page before the Financial Statements screen has finished loading, then the attachments of the opened page are not recognised. This means that previewing the page does not show the attachments. But also, if the user exits the format page and previews the full set of accounts, then the attachments are missing, usually showing as a gap in the accounts, e.g. for the Balance Sheet signatories. If the accounts are passed to Review and Tag, again the attachments are missing which may give rise to exceptions about missing tags. The problem does not go away until the user goes to a different menu option, e.g. the Home screen, and then reopens Financial Statements.

This problem has probably been present for a long time but was not visible because the first page in a limited company collection was the Cover page which loads very quickly. It has only come to light since the Exceptions Report was moved to be the first page as that takes longer to load.

ADO 277527 - Rounding and Suspense - "Reset to default" can lead to main accounts being used when subaccounts have been created on the accounting period

There is an option in Chart of Accounts > Rounding and Suspense to "Reset to Default". If clicked, this results in the CCH defaults overwriting the previous settings. Suppose that the P&L Rounding account is 3700 Bank charges. But the user has created subaccounts on an accounting period such as 3700/01 and 3700/02. When Reset to Default is clicked the system resets the P&L Rounding account to 3700, although this account should not be used for postings even of rounding differences. Reset to Default now uses the first subaccount found, 3700/01 in this case.

ADO 273199 - Upgrading a database without AP to include AP can give a script error on SQL2019 with strict security enabled

A similar script error can occur if an old database with AP is upgraded, e.g. a 2021.3 database. The script error might refer to an error removing a column, NominalHash, that has a default constraint or it might say that it is unable to run an assembly, "An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id 65632. The server may be running out of resources, or the assembly may not be trusted".

ADO 283697 - An invalid number of employees can prevent opening an accounting period

This can happen if #on57 is edited to an invalid value such as "5+" instead of "5" in a Statutory Database grid node. The fix returns an error if this change is made. The fix also stops the invalid data making it impossible to open the affected accounting period.

CCH Review and Tag 

ADO 2780797 - ITS/66482 - After a PIN is downloaded to Central it should also come into Review and Tag

The problem happens when Review and Tag is accessed from Central rather than standalone. A new PIN will be downloaded into Central before the expiry of the old one. When you access Review and Tag it should copy the PIN to be a Stored Pin that can be used after the existing Review and Tag PIN has expired. It is not used immediately because the old PIN might still have some credits on it for Companies House Filings. When the old PIN has expired it should then switch over to the new PIN. This was not always working and sometimes required running a script to clear all Review and Tag settings.

CCH Working Papers

ADO 280061 - The Revert option can show an error about foreign key FK_StageNode_DocumentVersion

The problem happens after a working paper is renamed and deleted in the Working Paper Designer and then another working paper with the same name as the renamed version is uploaded. At this point the working papers in the Working Paper Designer can only be fixed by a script, but no error has yet appeared. The error only appears after going into an accounting period and using the Revert option. Activating Working Papers or performing a Year End can also fail. It may show an error or just not add any Working Papers.

Notable Issues

CCH iXBRL Review & Tag - Known Issues

Date Raised ITS Description Workaround ( If applicable) Scheduled/Resolved
24/03/2021 62820 Companies House credentials are reset after a CSI upgrade.
We have had a small number of reports that the Companies House online filing credentials are being removed/reset after an upgrade using the CSI installer.
Re-enter the credentials using the reviewandtagsettings.exe located in the Deploy folder. TBC
08/01/2021 61714 IFRS accounts produced in Accounts Production errors on Information Page.
Certain address and 3rd party information cells on the Info page on the IFRS format have updated to create duplicate tags. This will show as duplicate fact value errors when exported to CCH  iXBRL Review & Tag.
In CCH iXBRL Review & Tag double-click on the duplicate fact value error within the Exceptions tab. This will take you to the tagged area that has the error. 
Left-click on the tagged area and amend the dimension to the correct value.
24/12/2020 61704 Companies House submission database showing Client Code as NA
The submission database was updated in 2020.3 to include the client code from CCH Central to enable users to report on filings by client code.
This code is obtained by matching the company name within the CCH iXBRL Review & Tag file to the database within CCH Central. If, however your client's name in CCH Central does not match the Company name reported within the accounts, the entry will be logged as NA.
Ensure that you client name in CCH Central and the Company name reported in the accounts match. TBC
15/12/2021 61694 Micro Entities set to Full accounts when using reduced filing option.
When accounts produced in CCH Accounts Production for FRS105 Micro entities the option to use reduced filing sets the accounts type in CCH iXBRL Review & Tag as (Full Accounts). This is due to there being no legal form of accounts recognised as filleted so the option defaults to Full.
If you are producing reduced filing accounts for Micro entities to file at Companies House. Leave the entity type as Micro Entities (Full Accounts). Do not change to Small Companies Reduced filing. TBC
25/08/2020 59571 FRS102 Sec1 A small Companies - Full Accounts filing throws an error “Document missing mandatory tag Statement on quality and completeness of information provided to auditors" is reported when Customers try to file an FRS102 Sec1A Full accounts to Companies House. The majority of the FRS102 Sec1A Small Companies file Small company reduced filing version, there is nothing to prevent filing of a full accounts to CCH. The entity type is set to full in error and this causes the error. The error can be ignored, and accounts filed. To prevent the error, change the entity type in document information to Small Companies Reduced filing. If after making this change, another exception on Applicable Legislation appears, you need to add this tag in other data and select Small Companies Regime. TBC
01/12/2017 TBC FRS 105 Audited – reduced filing Companies House Submissions in CCH iXBRL Review & Tag
We do not currently support iXBRL filing for audited 105 accounts. The concept of audited 105 is still in its infancy; please paper file until we receive more guidance on this issue.
  For Information only
01/10/2020 60609 Charity FRS 102 -Filing exception on Directors responsibilities note from balance sheet for charitable companies
The paragraph on directors’ responsibilities on the balance sheet is not switching the word items #wd18 and #wd3 for charitable companies where a single director is marked as the balance sheet signatory. It is not switching to the singular term 'acknowledge' and 'his/her ' from 'acknowledges' and 'their'. This causes a fatal 9999 error in CCH IXBRL Review & Tag when filing to Companies House.
This is an issue in CCH Accounts Production but CCH iXBRL Review & Tag users need to be aware.
Workaround -Update/edit the tag in review and tag to the correct wording and submit. When editing it is good practice to edit the content, copy to a note pad and then copy back and apply the tag.
For Information only
  TBC FRS 102 Limited - Statement of Changes in Equity (Page7SOCE) 
A minor tagging issue affecting 1st year only financial statements. This results in a a tagging error for FRS102 that includes as SOCE
This is an issue in CCH Accounts Production but CCH iXBRL Review and Tag users need to be aware.
Open the format, click Draft and Show iXBRL Tags on the ribbon bar. Then on Row 47 right-click and use the Suppress Tag option on the numeric cells. Alternatively, you can delete the Prior Year tags in CCH iXBRL Review and Tag.
For information only


CCH Working Papers

Our current Notable issues list is available from Customer Communities on UserDocs.

CCH Accounts Production

ITS/67726 – Management Collection - showing cost of sales and selling costs on separate schedules

This release contains a new option to show the cost of sales and selling costs on separate schedules. The option only applies to the Format 1 Profit and Loss account, but it also appears for the Format 2 Profit and Loss account. If selected for Format 2, it has no effect.

207516 – Error 49 on upgrade

When logging into Central following a release, the error message “error code 49” is shown.


This indicates that the Central database and the Document Store database are no longer in sync.

Please contact CCH Support for assistance.

237416 - Transferring fixed assets from CCH Accounts Production to CCH Corporation Tax for IFRS

The link from CCH Accounts Production  to CCH Corporation Tax for Tangible Fixed Assets does not work for IFRS clients.

The data must be entered manually in CCH Corporation Tax.

Unable to travel images

Any images stored in the Image Library will not be available in the travelled database.

Unable to load accounting period if server data format is MM/DD/YY

An issue has been identified that prevents CCH Accounts Production from loading the Accounting Period if the date format in your environment is not dd/mm/yyyy. There is no solution to this at present, other than to amend your Date/Time settings in Windows.

206581 - FRS 102 – Countries that are incorporated in region 3

We have an issue with the Directors Report and Investment Property note not printing correctly. The majority of users are unaffected as accounting periods incorporated in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all set to region 1. Republic or Ireland and Eire are set to region 2. Other countries fall into region 3 and there may be a format issue caused by the print condition or row conditions incorrectly testing on either region 1 or region 2.

234971 – Text entered into paragraph is more than one page in length

We have an issue where text entered into a paragraph node in the statutory database does not print correctly if it is more than one A4 page in length.  The bottom of the text ‘falls off’ the A4 page and is not continued on the following A4 page. The workaround is to split the text across two or more nodes, or if that is not possible, enter the text directly into the format cell and make the format local.

Legal Notice

Disclaimer : Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these Release Notes. However, Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, its staff and agents will not be liable for any errors or omissions and use of the software is subject to the customer’s licence with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited. These Release Notes should not be relied upon as a detailed specification of the system or the software. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may make changes to these Release Notes from time to time. This is provided for informational purposes only. The information reflected in this document may be changed or updated without notice. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may also make improvements and/or changes in its products, practices, and/or programs described in this document at any time without notice. This document should not be seen as a contractual agreement, a modification or amendment of any existing contractual agreement with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, or an indication of terms of service. All technical data, specification and other information contained in this document is confidential and the proprietary intellectual property of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited and/or its licensors. No reproduction, copy, alteration, or distribution thereof may be made without the express written consent of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited.

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