CCH Central 2022.1: Release Notes
Installing CCH Central 2022.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence.
Click here to find out more about the Central Suite Installer.
Software Enhancements
ITS 63975 - Update to Help About
The Help > About window has been updated to remove the links to the old CCH Software website and point to the new Customer Communities page.
SQL CLR Strict security
This release now includes the support for SQL CLR Strict security for practices running SQL 2019.
ITS 62871 - Assignment - Bulk update - job roll forward
There was an issue within Find Assignments > Bulk update, where if an assignment name and job were both selected, then the Job Roll Foward routine failed to roll that selected job forward.
Within this release, a new options box has been provided when the user clicks the Select All option within the Find Assignment window.
Select the Select All option from the Find Assignments grid, an Assignment Search pop-up window appears requesting the user to select one of the following options:
Select All - This selects all assignments and jobs
Select Assignments only - This selects the assignments only (excludes jobs)
Select Jobs only - This selects jobs only (excludes the assignment name)
Unselect All - This removes the ticked selection from the grid.
Re-selecting the Select All option from the Find Assignments grid re-opens the Assignment Search pop-up window.
Refining the search
Where a user only wants to show all 2021 jobs under the Accounts assignment, for example, an advance search should be performed first to show the required output.
This search criterion shows all Assignments that contain Accounts AND with a Job name of 2021
Click the 'Select All' tick box and then choose Select Jobs only and then perform the Job Roll Foward bulk update option.
Save Lists
Lists can only be saved if they do not contain any jobs or schedules
Quality Improvements
ITS 52735 - SQL Maintenance plans failing - Re-organise indexes
Previously, the CCH Backup and Restore utility re-organise option failed to run due to certain indexes within the database having a parameter set to OFF. This affected any Practice on SQL Express that had no other means to automate optimisation of their indexes using the CCH Backup and Restore utility.
ITS 52167- Find Assignments - Open saved List
Previously, when opening a saved list, the Assignment Partner or Assignment Manager was not being shown within the opened 'saved list' results.
ITS 65036 - Partners with Disabled Timesheet ticked are not available for selection
Previously, when an employee was ticked for Disabled Timesheets AND that employee was also within the Partner list, the employee/partner was no longer available for selection.
ITS 66041- Notes not being displayed on find clients preview panel
Since upgrading to 2021.3, existing notes were not being displayed on the preview panel within Find Clients.
ITS 54438 - Department and Office values aren't being populated when contact converted to client
Previously, when converting a Contact to a Client, the Department and Office values were being removed from the contact table within the database, causing some issues within Personal and Corporation Tax.
Email Merge - Error received if multiple attachments selected
Previously, a System.ArgumentException error was being shown on Stage 6 if multiple Attached was ticked on Stage 2 of the Email Merge wizard.