CCH Telekurs 2.70
Release Highlights
These Release Notes document the changes in v2.70 of the Telekurs software which is used by some firms in conjunction with CCH SecTAX or CCH Trust Accounts.
The Telekurs data feed is supplied by SIX Financial and the Telekurs software reads this data into CCH SecTAX or CCH Trust Accounts, creating for each security, a “security history” of dividends and other corporate actions. This data can be applied to any client by using the Autopost function which generates the investment income records relevant to the client, saving time on data entry. The Telekurs software only needs to be installed if you subscribe to the Telekurs data feed.
This release includes the following:
- Allow a Start date when switching from Telekurs to Exshare
Software Enhancements
Allow a Start date when switching from Telekurs to Exshare
This change is required in conjunction with SecTAX or Trust Accounts 2024.2. If an Exshare Start Date is specified in either of these products, the Telekurs feed will not read in security history records later than this date. This avoids the same security history records being read in from both the Telekurs and Exshare feeds.