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CCH Software User Documentation

Mercia Academy Master Pack v10 (SQL)

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Mercia Academy Master Pack v10 (SQL)

Obtaining and installing the update


Click here and then select MERCIA: Academy Master Pack (SQL) to download the SQL version of the master pack.

Select the option to save the file to disk and store it in the masterpacks folder in the deploy folder. To find the location of the deploy folder right click on the shortcut to open the software and select open file location. The downloaded file is a zip file and should be saved as such, the data should not be extracted.

Important: To receive software product news updates via POSTS, you will need to Register on our Support Portal. (Registration Code and Practice Code required) and join our CCH Audit Automation Group.


When the file has been downloaded and is located in the masterpacks folder open the audit Automation software and log in with administrator access rights.

From the Master packs menu select the install master packs option.

Tick the checkbox next to MERACD Version 10 and click install:


The master pack data will be added to the database:


Upon completion the Status will change to Done:



This master pack has been installed into the database and allocated the following code:

          Code: MERACD

          Version: 10

          Name : Mercia Academies Pack

Note: it is advised that users should not change master packs once planning has been signed off. Prior to planning sign off master packs can be updated but users should be aware of changes in the update that may have an effect on work already completed during the planning stage.

Always ensure that you have a current backup of the client’s data before changing master packs as this is a complicated process and if anything happens to interrupt the change, the client data may be corrupted.

Changes made to the master packs

This update incorporates the following changes:

Audit Pack Changes include changes to:
  • The issue of the Academies Accounts Direction 2021 to 2022, Academies model accounts 2021 to 2022 and Framework and guide for external auditors and reporting accountants of academy trusts.
  • The requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook (effective 1 September 2021) (formerly known as the Academies Financial Handbook).
  • Teachers Pensions Reporting Accountant Guidance TP05 for 2021/22, pertaining to the reporting requirements of the Teachers' Pensions End of Year Certificate (EOYC).

A full list of changes is available from the Master Pack manual.

Note: The changes to ISA 240 'The auditor's responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements and changes to ISA 315 Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement' have not been implemented in this master pack as they relate to periods starting on or after 15 December 2021. These updates will be included in the next update of the academy master pack.



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