PCAS Academy Packs v9
Obtaining and installing the update
Click here and then select PCAS: Academy Master Pack, read the instructions on the download page and save the file to disk and store it in a temporary directory on your hard drive, (assumed to be “C:\TEMP” in the following instructions). Next, follow the steps outlined below.
Important: To receive software product news updates, you will need to Register on our Support Portal. (Registration Code and Practice Code required) and join our CCH Audit Automation Group to receive POSTS.
Due to the removal of sample size caps and updates to the risk factors used in the PCAS system the area risk assessment will need to be manually reset following the balance forward of the audit file. Please see our Knowledge article on how to do this.
- Click on [Start] and then on Run...
- Enter C:\TEMP\PCAS_Academy_Pack_v09.exe, or select the file using the [Browse] button, and click on [OK].
- Follow the instructions on the screen, see below for installation options.
The above assumes that you downloaded the file to C:\TEMP, if you stored it elsewhere, enter the path you used in step 2 above. During the installation process you will be asked for a password, this is provided in the notification of the availability of the packs.
Installation options
The installation program will offer you our standard default directory called PROACC\AUDITV3 on Drive C. If you have installed ProSystem AA, or store your master formats elsewhere, you must change the directory to that which you used for the original installation. The master formats have been allocated the following codes:
PCASAD09 | Private Company Audit System - Academy v09 |
- If you have created your own master with these codes, installing these masters will overwrite it.
- If you have done this, you should rename your master formats before proceeding, or contact us for advice on how you can rename our masters.
Charge rate tables
The master packs contain charge rate tables that will need to be updated to reflect your firm’s level of hourly charges. The table may be imported from an existing pack, thereby removing the need for you to enter it manually. To do this, load Audit Automation, log in as the System Manager, and select the option to edit an existing master pack. Enter the code of the pack to be updated and click on [OK]. Select Risk model > Look up tables and then the Charge rate table tab. Finally select [Import charge rates] and select the pack from which the table is to be imported.
Specialised charts of accounts and working papers
If you are importing from a third party accounting package, it is likely that you will either have changed the alpha codes in your master packs, or have imported a new chart of accounts and working papers from a chart update routine. If you have used a supplied routine, simply follow the original instructions to install the updated chart in each of the new master packs. If you have amended the alpha codes, you can copy the amended chart of accounts to the new masters by copying the files called CHART.DBF and CHART.MDX from an old master pack to the new ones now installed. If you require assistance to achieve this, contact the support line.
Changing master packs for an existing client
To link an existing client to a new pack, proceed as follows:
- Select File > Edit control data > Control data from the menu bar.
- Select the Master pack code edit box and either enter the code of the new pack or select it using the [Pick] button.
- Click on [OK].
The system will ask you to confirm that you wish to change the master pack in use and then present a dialog with options. If you are changing from one version of a master pack to the next, e.g. PCASAD08 to PCASAD09, select the option to Merge the new master programmes with the current customised programmes, if you are changing to a different pack concept, e.g. PAAPCH14 to PCASAD09, select the option to Clear the current customized programmes and Replace the working paper index so that you obtain the revised index from the new master.
Note: it is advised that users should not change master packs once planning has been signed off. Prior to planning sign off master packs can be updated but users should be aware of changes in the update that may have an effect on work already completed during the planning stage.
Always ensure that you have a current backup of the client’s data before changing master packs as this is a complicated process and if anything happens to interrupt the change, the client data may be corrupted.
Changes made to the master packs
Audit Pack changes
ISA (UK) 540 Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related Disclosures (2018) and ISA (UK) 570 Going Concern (Revised September 2019) as well as changes required by the Academies Accounts Direction 2020 to 2021, the new Framework and guide for external auditors and reporting accountants of academy trusts and the 2020 Academies Financial Handbook.
Areas such as going concern, sampling, evidence, materiality and risk assessment have been updated to ensure the Academy audit programme is compliant with standards and regulations and meets latest industry practice at all stages of the audit.
Structural/section changes are:
- going concern is now in a separate section, referenced D, which includes updated objectives, questions and work programmes;
- the ‘optional’ sheets previously referenced D have been re-referenced to ‘OPT’ sheets;
- new sheets have been added in the C section to allow clearer linking of risk identification and assessment to the audit work planned;
- sheets in the C section have been re-ordered and re-referenced
- references have been updated throughout to take these changes into account.
- A1.2 Final programme – subsequent events has a new question to remind users about material uncertainties;
- A1.3 Final completion checklist, B1 Completion memo, B5 Review of accounts, B6 Audit highlights all have new questions relating to going concern;
- B2.1 Engagement partner review has new questions about going concern and also the corroborative/contradictory nature of evidence;
- B3 Compliance with auditing standards has been updated to refer to the latest ISAs;
- B6.1 Summary of significant matters now includes accounting estimates as a specific reminder at the completion stage;
- C1 Planning memo has removed the overall risk assessment at the financial statement level as the sampling model is now based on individual assertion level risks;
- C4 Understanding the entity has been revised to include requirements of ISA (UK) 540;
- C7.1 Internal control aide-memoire revised to include the requirements of ISA (UK) 540 and 570;
- Risk assessment some questions re-worded;
- Risk level following a spectrum of risk 1-5 rather than H/M/L;
- The sampling model has also been updated to add formulae and to take into account guidance from the FRC and the risk spectrum;
- Sample size caps have been removed. Please see the master pack manual for sampling FAQ’s.
- Risk model updated to include 5 risk option’s: Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low to align with risk rating 1 to 5 used in the PCAS tool.
- P11D checklist has been updated for current tax requirements;
- T section now covers only subsequent events as the going concern element is covered by the new D section;
- V3 Review of accounting estimates for bias has been removed as this work is now done in each audit area where relevant.
- The disclosure checklist has been updated to include the requirements of the Academies Accounts Direction 2020 to 2021 and the Academies Financial Handbook 2020.
- The letters of representation have been updated to reflect the latest requirements and the audit findings letter (previously called management letter) updated to reflect the requirements of the Academies Accounts Direction 2020 to 2021.
A full list of changes is included in the master pack manual.
Master audit pack documentation
Copies of these manuals are included in the Guidance folders within the master packs and hence will always be available from the Help menu when you have a client loaded. There are 2 items on the menu that will always relate to the master pack to which the current client is connected:
- Master pack manual
- Master pack manual appendix