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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Audit Automation (BDE) : Full version v5.0.6

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This section concerns the full version of CCH Audit Automation (BDE). If you are interested in upgrading to the SQL version of CCH Audit Automation please contact your account manager to update your license.

Obtaining and installing the update


Click here and then select CCH Audit Automation: Full version v5.0.6, read the instructions on the download page and save the file to disk and store it in a temporary directory on your hard drive, (assumed to be “C:\TEMP” in the following instructions). Next, follow the steps outlined below.

Important: To receive software product news updates, you will need to Register on our Support Portal. (Registration Code and Practice Code required) and join our CCH Audit Automation Group to receive POSTS.


Please make sure that no users have CCH Audit Automation open before running the installation as on the first access of the master packs the data will be updated and this will fail if another user has the master pack open in the existing version of the software.

  1. Click on [Start] and then on Run...
  2. Enter C:\TEMP\CCH_AA_Full_Installation_5-0-6.exe, or select the file using the [Browse] button, and click on [OK].
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen, see below for installation options.

The above assumes that you downloaded the file to C:\TEMP, if you stored it elsewhere, enter the path you used in step 2 above. 

Installation options

The installation program will offer you our standard default directory called PROACC\PROauditV3 on Drive C. If you have installed Audit Automation elsewhere, you must change the directory to that which you used for the original installation. If you wish to make use of the automated software update facility, then you must change the directory to the central update folder on your network.

Select Components

If Information Links is selected, the system will update the links on the help menu and also install the latest planning, completion and finalised information page templates.

Note: If you are interested in upgrading to the SQL version of CCH Audit Automation please contact your account manager to update your license.


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