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CCH Software User Documentation

Create Email from Document

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Create Email from Document is available to the Step Type options when creating a Document workflow template in Standard and Advanced Designer. Create Email from Document extends the functionality of the Convert Document to Email so that if a client or an organisation has multiple associated contacts of the same relationship type then the user can select to which contact to email the document.

To enable the selection of an associated contact the following conditions must be met:

  • The Template Source within the workflow step must be from Document Management.
  • The document template needs to have an association set in the To field from the Document Templates screen.
  • The client needs to have more than one association for the same relationship type.

To create a workflow that enables users to email the document to an associated contact:

  1. Create a Document workflow that contains the Create Email from Document activity.
    create email from doc 1.png

2. Set the Create Email from Document properties:
Tick the Add document as attachment option.
For Template Source select Documents from DM option.
For the Body Template field, select a template that have an association set in the To field from the Document Templates screen:create email from doc 2.png
Enter a Subject for the email.
Select a step to jump to if the activity is progressed with success.
Select a step to jump to if the activity fails to progress.

3. Set the properties for the other steps in the workflow template.

4. Save the workflow.
5. In the Document Workflows screen, associate the workflow template with a Source, Library and Type and move the workflow template in the Is Available section:
create email from doc 3.png

6. Start the workflow on a client that has multiple associations for the same relationship type that was set in the To field from the Document Templates screen:

create email from doc 4.png

7. If the client that has the workflow started has multiple associations for the relationship that was set in the To field from the Document Templates screen, the user needs to right click on the step and click on Select Contact option:

create email from doc 5.png

8. In the Select Contact dialog is displayed the list with the association contacts that have the same relationship. Select the contact that will receive the email with the document attached.

create email from doc 6.png

Note: Make sure the associated contact has a valid email set in the Addresses tab from the Client screen.

9. If the activity is progressed with success, the selected contact will receive an email. The attached document from the email is the document that has the workflow started. The body of the email is populated with the fields set in the template selected as the Body Template in the Create Email from Document activity. If the template contains merge fields that refer to associated contacts like Associated Address or Addressee Mailing Name, then those fields will be populated from the selected contact.


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