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CCH Software User Documentation

Employee types

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When assigning a task it is possible to select from the following Employee types:

Employee Category 

Assigns the task to an employee category.  Once the preceding step is complete, you are presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned, based upon their employee category.

Responsibility Type

Assigns the task to the member of the client team with this responsibility type, e.g. Manager, Team Member.  If the responsibility type allows multiples, on completion of the preceding step, you are presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned. 

Specific Employee 

Assigns the task to a specific employee.

Client Partner 

Assigns the task to the current client partner.

Workflow Owner

Assigns the task to the employee who assigned the workflow.

Step Owner

Assigns the task to the employee who was originally assigned an earlier step.  The steps displayed must have the following attributes:

Must be a Central Task and Steps must precede current step.

For Example, step 1 was assigned to Mike, but completed by Fred.  Step 2 was assigned to Carol, but completed by Jack.  When assigning employee type of Step Owner to step 3, the user is presented with step 1 and step 2 choices.  If step 1 is selected, then the current step (step 3) is to be assigned to whoever was originally assigned step 1.  In this example that is Mike.

Security Group 

Assigns the task to an employee’s security group.  Upon completion of the preceding step, you are presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned, based upon their employee security group.

Reports To

The Reports To option takes into account the Reports To field on the Employees’ Stationed Record (Employee > Main Tab).

When using the Reports To option,  you are presented with the following two options:


The reporteeis the subordinate employee, as there may be more than one employee, upon completion of the preceding step, you are presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned, based upon Reports To options.


The reporter is the Line Manager.  The step moves to the person within the Reports To field of the employee record of the person responsible for completing the preceding step.


Assigns the task to Employees belonging to the specified Company, Department or Office as stated in the workflow template.  Upon completion of the preceding step,  you are presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned.

Client Company/Client Department/Client Office

Assigns the task to Employees belonging to the same Company, Department or Office as the client (as set on the Client's Responsibility Tab).  Upon completion of the preceding step, you are  presented with an automated task asking to whom the next task should be assigned.

Step Completer

Assigns the task to the employee who completes an earlier step.  The steps displayed must have the following attributes:

Must be a Central Task and Steps must precede current step.

For Example, step 1 was assigned to Mike, but completed by Fred.  Step 2 was assigned to Carol, but completed by Jack.  When assigning employee type of Step Owner to step 3, the user is presented with step 1 and step 2 choices.  If step 1 is selected, then the current step (step 3) is to be assigned to whoever was originally assigned step 1.  In this example that is Fred.


Note: If the relevant Responsibility type is not set on the client when running the workflow, the task is automatically assigned to the Workflow Owner (creator).


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