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CCH Software User Documentation

​Workflow Launcher

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The Workflow Launcher provides the ability to start a different workflow from within the workflow being created. It is possible to link workflows to workflows with either the same or different subjects. 

In the example below, an Accounts Production workflow, has a Workflow Launcher step that starts a Corporation Tax workflow:


After the Workflow Launcher step is added to a workflow template, the user needs to set the parameters for the workflow to be launched:

  • Select the workflow Subject Type, e.g Client/Contact
  • Select an available Workflow
  • Select a step to jump to, (as the point of starting the additional workflow)
  • Select a step to jump to if the launch workflow fails to complete

Note: Inactive workflows do not appear in the list of available workflows within a Workflow Launcher step.

When starting a workflow within another workflow, the following validation rules are applied:

Client/Contact workflow starts Accounts Production workflow

If Client Year End  is equal to Accounting Period End Date

Client/Contact workflow starts Corporation Tax workflow

If Client Year End is equal to Period Of Account End Date

Client/Contact workflow starts Personal Tax workflow

If Client Year End is equal to Tax Return End Date

Personal Tax workflow startsPersonal Tax workflow

If Tax Return End Date ofparent workflow is equal to Tax Return End Date of child workflow.

Accounts Production workflow starts Corporation Tax workflow

If Accounting Period End Date is equal to Period Of Account End Date

Accounts Production workflow starts Personal Tax workflow

If Accounting Period End Date is between Tax Return Start Date and Tax Return End Date

If the launched workflow fails to complete, you are notified within the Workflow Service trace, in the following scenarios:

Referring to the above example where a Corporation Tax workflow is started from within an Accounts Production workflow, if the validation rule is not being honored ( e.g. : the Accounting Period End Date is not equal with Period Of Account End Date), the following message is returned in the Workflow Service trace:


If the launched workflow has already started for the client, the following error message is returned in the Workflow Service trace, notifying you of the client ID.



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