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CCH Software User Documentation

Step creation

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Note that a default final step, "End of workflow", is created automatically. This step is permanent and structurally necessary in a workflow, however it is possible to rename or even re-purpose this step by changing the step type.

Adding a new step

To add a new step, click on the Insert Step button on the ribbon bar, or click on the blank line above the existing steps.


In the top part of the screen, you then set the main properties (which are common to all step types):

Step Type

By default, unless changed, each new step is set as a Central Task.  (See Step Type).


Enter a unique name for the step (Special characters are not supported within the Name column i.e.?*& etc.).

Show on Homepage

This determines if the step is displayed in the workflows homepage. It is usually a major task or a logical end to a smaller group of tasks.

Notify by E-mail

Notifies the relevant employee that a task has been allocated to them.

Note: This only supports SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) methodology. The employee’s record in central needs to have the email address entered.  (See Email Notifications).

Next Step

The next step to be executed, which could be displayed as singular or multiple numbers depending on the Step Types/Tasks chosen.  (See Step Properties Panel).


Read only column to display who the task is assigned to.  (See Step Properties Panel).

  1. Select Step Type.  (Where Task Only or Pass/Fail Tasks are required, leave Step Type as Central Task)
  2. Enter a unique name 
  3. If the step is to be displayed within the Workflow Homepage, tick the Show on Homepage box
  4. If an email notification is required, tick the Notify by E-mail box



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