Overview: Autoload Trial Balances
The Autoload is used to automatically load extra trial balances into the accounts formatter.
The Autoload is used to automatically load extra trial balances into the accounts formatter. This can be used to load :
- Trial balances for specific periods. This is used with estate accounts.
- Trial balances for specific divisions. This is used for pension accounts.
- Trial balances from another client.
- Calculated trial balances that are the sum of other trial balances.
- Trial balances for a specific beneficiary where each beneficiary is indicated by using a specific subaccount, or each beneficiary uses a particular character in the nominal code.
Each set of trial balances is referred to as 'TB Loading Instructions' and is identified by a code and a description. Each of the TB Loading Instructions contains multiple Lines. Each Line defines a trial balance. The trial balances are automatically loaded into CCH Accounts Production as Saved Trial Balances. If the figures change while the user is in CCH Accounts Production due to a posting made in CCH Trust Accounts, then the Saved Trial Balances are automatically updated in the same way as ordinary trial balances are updated. There is no need to exit CCH Accounts Production and go back in.