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CCH Software User Documentation

Creating a Favourite List

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You can save reports that you run frequently in a Favorites list. Once a report has been added as a favourite you can run it directly from the main menu Favourites. The Report Fields window displays where required for you to select dates and filters.

Create a Favourites list

  1. Launch Smart Reports by clicking Smart reports - Smart Reports toolbar.PNG on the toolbar.
  2. The Reports window appears.
  3. Use the Search box to locate the report or expand the categories to find the report.
  4. Click and highlight the report you want to add to Favourites.
  5. Right-click on the report and click Add to Favourites.
    Smart reports - Smart Reports - add favourites.PNG
  6. Click on main menu Favourites which displays your list of favourite reports.
    Smart reports - Smart Reports - view and organising favourites.PNG
  7. Click on the button Organise Favourites to open the Organise Report Favourites window as shown above.
  • Reorder a report by highlighting it and using the Smart reports - Smart Reports - arrow and remove the report.PNG
  • Remove the report from list by highlighting it and click Smart reports - Smart Reports - remove the report.PNG
  • Run the report by highlighting it and click Smart reports - Smart Reports - run the report.PNG
  • Open a new folder on the favourite list, click Smart reports - Smart Reports - open a folder.PNG, rename the folder double clicking on the name, drag the reports you want to the folder
  • Import to your favourite list, reports from other users' favourite list, click Smart reports - Smart Reports - select employee.PNGto choose the user and the report.


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