Setting up Custom Fields
Note: You can set up Custom fields to record additional information about a contact, client, employee or assignment where the value can be different in each instance. A typical custom field is Date of Birth. Custom fields appear in the Extra tab on the Assignment, Contact, Client, Employee and Assignment pages
Set up Custom Field
- On the main menu, click Maintenance > User Defined > Custom Fields.
- In the Custom Fields window, in the blank row at the top, enter the name of the Custom Field you are setting up.
- Select the relevant check boxes based on what pages you want the Extra Tab to display the field. For example, display the field on the Extra tab of the:
- Assignment Page
- Contact Page which includes the Client Page
- Employee Page
- Campaign Page
- Select the check box in the Is Mandatory column if you want the field to be mandatory in all areas where it is displayed. Mandatory fields show a small red triangle shows like this
. This icon appears if the user tries to skip the field. They cannot move forward until the field is completed.
- Select the type of information to be entered as a value from the drop down list of Data Type.
- To set up additional fields, press [Enter] and repeat steps 2 to 5.
- When you have finished setting up the fields, click OK to save the data and close the Custom Fields window.