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CCH Software User Documentation

Setting up an Employee Security Group

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The application comes with some security groups but you can add new security groups if required. Security groups are used to group employees together who will use the same features of the database. Employees can be grouped together for various reasons but normally, it is because they are at the same staff level or they perform similar duties.

Default Security Groups 

The default security groups are:

Basic 1

Allows Personal TimeSheet / Disbursement Entry and Basic Client Contact Access.

Basic 2

Basic JH


Full Access apart from high risk Maintenance Codes and Personal Details


Full Access apart from high risk Maintenance Codes


Full Access apart form high risk Maintenance Codes


Full access but can only see timesheets that they have access to


Full Access

Set up Employee Security Group

  1. On the main menu, click Maintenance > Security > Security Group Maintenance.

  2. In the Security Group Maintenance window, in the blank row at the top of the table, enter the Name of the new security group.

  3. Enter a brief Description of the security group.

  4. Select Super User to give unrestricted access to the group.

  1. Click OK to save and close the window.


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