Setting up a Company
Set up a Company
- On the main menu, click Maintenance > Internal > Companies.
- In the Companies window, in the blank row at the top of the table, enter the Company Name. To modify an existing name, edit the text directly.
- Enter a unique Company Code. To modify an existing code, edit the text directly.
- In the Default Export Path cell, a default location for exporting files for this company. Use the Find button to navigate to a suitable location, and then enter the default name of the export file in the Browse for Folder window. This step is optional. Select Dimension 1 from the drop down list. The options are:
- None
- Practice
- Partner
- Department
- Select Dimension 2 from the drop down list. The drop down list displays the same options as above.
- Select the base currency that the Company operates in.
- When you have finished, click OK to save the information and close the window.
- Press [Enter]. A new blank row is created at the top of the table.
- To set up additional companies, repeat steps 2 to 8.
- When you have finished, click OK to save the information and close the window.