Running a prebilling report for a client
Run a prebilling report for a client
Click the Clients button on the toolbar.
The Find Clients page will open. -
In the Find Clients window, in the Search for field enter the name or search criteria for the client you want to produce a report for.
Click OK or press the [Enter] key.
In the results list, double–click the required client.
In the Client window, click the Assignment tab, and then click one of the Billing Reports buttons depending on how you want the client's WIP categorised:
- for a report categorised by type, click the PreBilling Report by Type button. You are prompted to enter a date. This report is ordered by the task codes that the employees used to code their timesheets for the individual client.
- for a report categorised by employees, click the PreBilling Report by Employee button. You are prompted to enter a date. This report is ordered by the employee who coded the time for the individual client and then by task code. This is useful when there may be a few people working on the assignments.
- for a report categorised by month, click the PreBilling Report by Month This report is ordered by the months in which time was coded for the individual client and by employees. It is useful for practices that bill on a monthly basis or to ensure that there is no old WIP on the WIP ledger which should be written off.
- for a report categorised by group, click the PreBilling Report by Group button. The report id ordered by assignment and employees for the client. This is used to show the parent/child clients in a billing group to show the total WIP liability for a group of clients.
In the WIP to Date window, enter a date to specify the date up to which you want to view WIP information. The default date shown is today’s date. This will report on all WIP up to the current date.
Click OK.
The report is displayed in the report window. From here you can:
- print the report to the default printer using the Print button
- click File > Save to save the report as a file
- export the report to Word
- zoom in and out of the report view.
Close this window to return to the Assignment tab.