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CCH Software User Documentation

Printing a Bill

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There are a number of methods you can use to print a bill using CCH Practice Management. Draft and submitted bills are printed from within the Preview window, accessed by clicking on the Preview option available from the following places during bill preparation: Billing Main page Bill Paragraphs page. Generally bills are printed once they are posted, using the Invoices Ready to Print window. This window lists all posted bills and automatically appears when a bill is posted. It can also be accessed by selecting Bills > Invoices Ready to Print... from the menu. From this window, you can either print or preview the bill using Microsoft Word. Once printed the bills are generally removed from this list. To reprint a previously printed invoice use the Client window > Bills tab, where the client's previous bills are listed in the Full Billing History list.

Print a posted bill

  1. Select Billing from the tabs at the top of the screen and then > Bills Ready to Send



When you post a bill in the Billing Main window or from the Billing Wizard, this window automatically appears.
  1. Click in the list to highlight the bill that you want to print.

  2. Click the Print option on the Ribbon. Alternatively, you can click the Preview option and then print the bill from Microsoft Word.
    The bill will be printed to your default printer.

  3. Click the Printed OK option while the printed bill(s) is still highlighted to mark it as having been printed and remove it from the list. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm this action.

Print a posted bill from the Bills tab

  1. Open the Client record or Assignment page for the client or assignment for whom the bill was posted.


If you want to print a bill created at the client level you will need to open the Client page. If you want to print a bill created at the assignment level, you can do this through the Client page or Assignment page.
  1. Click the Bills tab.
    All the previously posted bills for the client or assignment will be listed in the Full Billing History area.

  2. Click in this list on the bill you want to print.

  3. Click the Preview button, File:dirname/pm/090_Billing/200_How+to.../150_How+to+print+a+bill/Preview_button.gif at the bottom of the list.
    Microsoft Word will open displaying the bill.

  4. Click the Print button on the toolbar or select File > Print from the main menu.
    The bill will be printed to your default printer.

Practices can automatically deliver a document as an attachments to an email, this can be employed to automate the delivery of bills by email or OneClick.

Bills need to be filed into CCH Document Management to utilise this feature.

Print an unposted bill

  1. Open the Client page or Assignment page for the client or assignment for whom the draft bill was created.


If you want to print a draft bill created at the client level you will need to open the Client page. If you want to print a draft bill created at the assignment level, you can do this through the Client page or Assignment page.
  1. Click the Bills tab.
    All the current draft bills for the client or assignment will be listed in the Draft Bills area.

  2. Double–click the draft bill you want to print.
    The Billing Main page will open showing the details of the selected bill.

  3. Click the Preview option Preview Bill button in the Task Bar (this option is also available from the Bill Paragraphs page).
    Microsoft Word will open displaying the bill.

  4. Click the Print button on the toolbar or select File > Print from the main menu.
    The bill will be printed to your default printer.


No invoice number will be allocated until the bill has been posted. Therefore, any bills printed before posting will not have an invoice number on them.



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