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CCH Software User Documentation

Entering a write-on or write-off when billing

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Amounts to be billed are allocated in the Bill Amounts page. This is where you can increase (write–on) or decrease (write–off) a bill amount at a number of different levels, such as: total client amount/ WIP amount amount for an assignment amount for each employee who worked for the client amount for individual time and expenses entries, or transactions.

Enter a write-on or write-off

  1. Open the Bill Amounts page from either the Billing Main window by clicking on the Bill Amounts Bill Amounts button button, or if you are using the Billing Wizard, click Next on the Stage Two window.

  2. Drill down to the required level ready to allocate the write on or off amounts.

    Group the WIP transactions by dragging and dropping the headings into the grey area. Filter the transactions by right clicking and selecting only the category you want to filter by. For information please refer to Creating a draft bill.

  3. Click in the Write–Off/On column against the relevant WIP item, and type the write up or off amount. Write–offs are entered as positive amounts and write–ons are entered as negative amounts. The system will automatically display negative amounts (that is, write–ons) in parentheses. For example –100 will be formatted to appear as (100.00). The system will colour write–off amounts in red.



Enter an amount into the Bill field.

Note: the system will automatically calculate the write–on amount based on the difference between what you enter and the WIP amount:
- If the bill amount is greater than the WIP balance on the assignment, the write–on amount will be automatically calculated.
- If the bill amount is less than the WIP balance on the assignment and you want to write–off some or all of the remaining WIP, click the Write–Off (On) field and enter the amount you wish to write–off. Otherwise, the WIP will be carried forward.
The system does not calculate a write-off amount. You must calculate and enter it manually.

  1. Press [Enter] or click elsewhere in the page.
    As you enter the amounts the total fields at the bottom of the page updates.

  2. Click OK to close the page.
    When all the amounts to be billed have been allocated, you are ready to define the wording on the bill. Click the Bill Paragraphs button clipboard_eb9a545ed6590329337ab1f76cd1c23d3.pngon the Billing Main page, or click Next on the Stage Two window of the wizard. This will take you to the Create Billing Paragraph window.

Note: Tthe system works on a FIFO or ‘First In First Out’ basis when allocating the billed amount against assignments. For more control over the allocations, drill down to individual transactions (including employee or time and expenses entered) within an assignment and make the allocations at that level. The system works on a pro–rata basis when allocating the billed amounts against individual transactions.




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