Entering a credit note for a client
Enter a Credit Note
Create a draft bill for the client or assignment you want to raise a credit note for.
Open the Bill Amounts page from either the Billing Main page by clicking the Bill Amounts button,
or by working through the Billing Wizard.
Click the Create a Miscellaneous Charge button,
In the Select Client Assignment window, from the list, select the assignment to record the credit note against.
If you require an assignment that isn't listed click the Find Assignment button to access the Find Assignment window. From here you can search for any client assignment in the system. -
Click OK in the Select Client Assignment window.
Select the required Type from the list.
Enter the amount to be credited, make sure to enter this as a minus figure.
Miscellaneous charge types must be set up by your system administrator in order to be available here. This is done via Maintenance > System > Code Types > Misc Charge. You should have a specific one for credit notes so they can be tracked in the system.
Press OK
Enter any internal notes to explain the reason for the credit in the Notes field and then click OK to close the window.
The Implemented by field defaults to the employee creating the miscellaneous charge and the In Employee’s Time Period field defaults to the current time period selected for the employee.
The Transaction date field defaults to the current date.
Click Close to exit from the Select Client Assignment window.
This credit amount will now appear in the Bill Amounts window in the Write-On (Off) field in red, for example 200.00. The bill total will show a negative amount. If other WIP is being billed on the same invoice the bill total will decrease to reflect the credited amount.
To view the credit amount in the Bill Amount page drill down through the client/assignment or group the items by 'Code Type' to show miscellaneous charges as their own item.
All miscellaneous charges for a client will be displayed as one item in the billing Bill Paragraphs page, whether entered prior to billing or during. You will need to manually create separate line items in the Bill Paragraphs page if you want them to display individually in the client's bill. Ensure that the individual item amounts are amended to match the total miscellaneous charge amount, or you will not be able to post bill.