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CCH Software User Documentation

The Bill Paragraphs window

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You can customise the fee layout and text that appears within a client bill. You can also allocate billing amounts to specific bill paragraphs at whatever level of detail you require. Once the bill amounts have been defined, the next phase in the billing creation process is to tailor the invoice according to client requirements or practice standards by adding and customising the paragraphs of text which will appear in the final invoice.

Customise Bill

In the Billing Main page, clicking the Bill Paragraphs button, Bill_Paragraphs_button.png to open the the Bill Paragraphs page. If you are using the Billing Wizard this page will automatically come up when you click Next in Stage Three

Within the Bill Paragraphs page there are a number of options for defining the way an invoice will look. You can:

  • change the Print Line Detail list selection


  • use 'Master Paragraphs' to add predefined text to the bill

  • add the content of a previous bill using the Posted Bills window

  • enter or edit billing paragraph text directly by typing in the edit field

  • format the text using the formatting options on the toolbar. All the usual options are available so you can amend colour and font or apply bolding, italics or underlining.

Note: remember, if you want to change the overall look of the invoice, you can change the 'template' being used by selecting a different one from the Style list box in the Billing Main window.


Bill Paragraph options





Formatting toolbar


Use the options on this toolbar to apply formatting to the selected text in the edit field.

Billing Paragraphs area


This is where you can view the included paragraphs, their order, and the amounts allocated against each paragraph as they will be displayed in the invoice. Type directly into the Amount and Tax column.

You can drag the column headings to put them in a different order. The column width can be amended by clicking and dragging the column dividers with the mouse.

Edit field

The bottom half of the page contains the edit area where you can type text to appear on the bill, or make changes to existing billing paragraphs. Select a billing paragraph in the list to display its contents in the edit area. This is where you apply formatting to the bill text.

Right–click menu


A right–click menu is available on the page. It contains two options:

  • Field Chooser
    From here you can select the columns of information you want to be displayed for each paragraph. Click the option to access the Field Chooser window, then drag fields from the window to the billing paragraphs area to display that field. You can also drag fields from the page to the Field Chooser window if you no longer want them displayed.

  • Show/Hide Detail
    A toggle option. Click to turn on or off the edit area in the bottom half of the page. You can enter text directly into the edit area or make changes to existing paragraphs.

Print Line Detail


The four list boxes allow you to determine the amount of detail displayed for the various transactions you are billing. For each transactions type you can choose from the following options:

  • Summary – shows one billing paragraph for the total amount being billed.

  • Group by Assignment – creates a billing paragraph for each assignment being billed, for example you may have one paragraph for personal tax and another for corporate tax.

  • Group by Assignment Type – creates a billing paragraph for each assignment type being billed, for example you may have one paragraph for compliance work (which would include both types of tax from the above example) and another for consultancy services.

  • Group by Code – creates a billing paragraph for each code type being billed, for example you may have one paragraph for meetings and another for administration.

  • Group by Employee – creates a billing paragraph for each employee against whom you are billing for the client.

  • Detailed – creates a billing paragraph for each transaction being billed.


The Users Total and Actual (Required) Total amounts in this page must match before you can proceed with billing. If the totals do not match you will see this icon. The icon will disappear once the two totals match. These total fields are just for display. You cannot edit the amounts in them. To make the totals match you need to amend the amounts against the individual billing paragraphs.


You can highlight an amount and then double–click it to automatically adjust the selected amount so that it creates the correct total required for the bill.


If you are billing at the client level (that is, from the Bills tab on the Client page) this will read This Client. If you are billing at the assignment level (that is, from the Bills tab on the Assignment page) this will read This Assignment.

Click to access the Posted Bills window from where you can view the billing paragraphs used in previous bills and copy them into the current draft bill. See the topic Copying text from other bills for more information.


If you are billing at the client level (that is, from the Bills tab on the Client page) this will read Other Client. If you are billing at the assignment level (that is, from the Bills tab on the Assignment page) this will read Other Assignment.

Click to access the Posted Bills window from where you can view the billing paragraphs used in previous bills and copy them into the current draft bill. See the topic Copying text from other bills for more information.


Click to move the selected billing paragraph line up the list.


Click to move the selected billing paragraph line down the list.


Click to access the Master Paragraphs window from where you can drag paragraphs onto the Bill Paragraphs page to add them to the bill. You can amend them if required using the edit field.


If you want to remove your edits (either the text or default amounts,) you can click the Re–generate Bill lines button to reset the content to the default text and amounts. The Regenerate Print Lines message will appear. Click Yes to return to the default text for all paragraphs.


Click to add a new empty paragraph. Select the existing paragraph line that you want to precede the new line, then click the Add button. The new blank line will be added below the selected line.


Deletes the selected paragraph.

Other options

There are addtional options to consider within this stage of the billing process. Users can select a delivery method for the bill and choose the relevant Style (if more than one is available):




The Delivery Method is populated by default with the value of the Delivery Method set on the assignment on which the bill amount was entered in Stage One of Billing Wizard.

If the bill amount is entered against multiple assignments that have the same Delivery Method value, then the Delivery Method from Stage Three of Billing Wizard will be populated with the value of the Delivery Method set on the assignments.

If the bill amount is entered against multiple assignments that have different Delivery Method values, then the Delivery Method from the Stage Three of Billing Wizard will be blank.

Delivery Method availablity

The Delivery Method field is available within the following windows:

  • Client > Bills Tab
  • Billing > Draft Bills
  • Billing > Bills Ready to Print
  • Billing > VAT Invoices to Print
  • Billing > VAT Invoice History
  • Billing > Billing History
  • Billing > Billing History by Partner

Ability to lock down delivery method

A Task Permission is available to enable practices the ability to lock down who can add a Delivery Method. The new task permission applies to the following areas:

  • Client > Assignments > WIP Tab
  • Assignment Templates > Billing Tab
  • Billing > Draft Bills > Open Draft No > Master Paragraphs
  • Find Assignments > Bulk update

The Task Permission is located within File> Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions.


If a user does not have the permission set, they are unable to set Delivery Methods.


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