Copying text from other bills
Copy text from older bills
From within the Billing Wizard, on Stage Three you will see 2 buttons labeled This Client and Other Client.
To list all the posted bills for the client you are currently billing, click
. The Posted Bills window opens.
To list posted bills for a different client (i.e., not the client you are currently billing), click
. The Find Client window opens.
You can then search for the client or whose bill content you want to copy.
Once you have selected the client, the Posted Bills window is displayed listing all the posted bills for the selected client or assignment. -
In the Posted Bills window, the left hand side lists the posted bills, showing the invoice date and number, and the write off and invoiced amount. Click one of these bill entries to display the paragraphs contained within it on the right hand side of the window.
When the billing paragraphs are listed, you can make multiple selections by pressing the [Ctrl] key whilst making your selection (this will allow you to copy all the content of the bill if required, as you can select all the paragraphs in the Print Line Text column in one go). The paragraphs are added as new paragraphs.
Note: only the text content of the paragraphs is added, not the values from the Amount or Tax fields. Once you have copied the paragraphs you will still need to enter the bill and tax amount.
You can reorder the billing paragraphs if required using the Move Up and Move Down buttons at the bottom of the Bill Paragraphs window.