Adding a miscellaneous charge to a bill
Using Miscellaneous Charges
There are two ways of using miscellaneous charges:
If you want to use a miscellaneous charge to increase the amount of WIP held against the client's assignment you would raise the charge from the Misc/Est tab on the Assignment page. This will display as a miscellaneous charge on reports, but will not increase the amount recorded as time and expenses. You can then select this amount when billing as you would any other WIP amount. These charges are entered against the logged in employee.
If you only want to increase the billable amount for a client without affecting their WIP total, you should raise the charge through the Bill Amounts page (Stage 2 of the Billing Wizard). These charges are entered against the default system employee –UNSPEC–.
Note: Miscellaneous charges previously raised can be viewed in the Misc/Est tab of the relevant Assignment page.
Add a Miscellaneous Charge from the Assignment window
Open the Assignment page for the client and click the Misc/Est tab to display it.
Click in the empty line at the top of the tab.
The Code, Employee, Date and Authorization fields will be completed for you. -
If you want to change the default date click the field to access the drop-down calendar where you can select another date.
In the Charge field, enter the amount to be billed.
In the Cost field, enter the cost to the practice and then select the required Type from the list.
Note: miscellaneous charge types must be set up by your system administrator in order to be selectable in the Misc/Est tab. This is done via Maintenance > System > Code Types > Misc Charge.
Enter any internal notes in the Comments field.
Click anywhere outside the line to save it or press [Enter].
The new charge is moved to the area below. -
You can now submit the charge by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
The charge is now ready for authorisation and posting. -
If you have permission to do this, click the Authorise button then click the Post Now button.
This charge will now appear in the Bill Amounts window in the Posted WIP field of the Billing Wizard.
Add a Miscellaneous Charge during billing
Create a draft bill for the client or assignment you want to bill.
Note: if you want to add the miscellaneous charge to an existing draft bill, just double–click the draft bill in the list to open it. You will go straight to the Billing Main page.
Navigate through the Billing Wizard to Stage 2, Add Bill Amounts or from the Billing Main page by clicking the Bill Amounts button
Click the Create a Miscellaneous Charge button
from the group of buttons in the top left corner of the screen.
The Select Client Assignment window will open. -
From the list, select the assignment to record the charge against. If you require an assignment that isn't listed click the Find button, to access the Find Assignment window. From here you can search for any client assignment in the system.
Click OK on the Select Client Assignment window.
The Create new billing charge window will open. -
Select the required Type from the list.
Note: miscellaneous charge types must be set up by your system administrator in order to be available here. This is done via Maintenance > System > Code Types > Misc Charge.
Enter the amount to be charged in the Amount field.
If you want to raise a credit note for a client enter a negative amount in the Amount field of the Create New Billing Charge window. -
Press OK.
Enter any internal notes to explain the reason for the charge in the Notes field.
Note: the Implemented by field defaults to the employee creating the miscellaneous charge and the In Employee’s Time Period field defaults to the current time period selected for the employee.
The Transaction date field defaults to the current date.
Click Close to exit from the Select Client Assignment window.
This charge will now appear in the Bill Amounts page in the Write-On (Off) field in brackets, for example (200.00). The bill total will increase to reflect the new charge. To view the miscellaneous charge in the Bill Amounts page drill down through client/assignment or group the items by 'Code Type' to show miscellaneous charges as their own item.
Note: all miscellaneous charges for a client will be displayed as one item in the Bill Paragraphs page, whether entered prior to billing or during. You will need to manually create separate line items in the Bill Paragraphs page if you want them to display individually in the client's bill. Ensure that the individual item amounts are amended to match the total miscellaneous charge amount, or you will not be able to post bill.
Add a Miscellaneous Charge against a job
Users have the ability to create Miscellaneous Charges against Jobs.
Note: to use this functionality, the Job Mode needs to be set to Assignments, Schedules, Jobs and Job Time Recording within Maintenance > Assignments > Job Mode.
To set a Miscellaneous Charge against a Job:
- Ensure that Job Mode is set to Assignments, Schedules, Jobs and Job Time Recording.
- Open Billing Wizard and click Next until Stage Two – Add Bill Amounts.
- Click on Create Miscellaneous Charge button.
- On the Select Client Assignment/Job dialog,click on the arrow to the left of the relevant assignment to display the jobs.
- Select the relevant job.
- Click on Add and enter an amount in the Create new billing charge dialog.
- Close the Select Client Assignment/Job dialog and post the bill.
The Job that was used to create the Miscellaneous Charge is displayed within Stage Two of Billing Wizard or Bill Amounts screen if the user drills down to Transactions level.
Note: miscellaneous Charges can still be created at Assignment Level by highlighting the assignment name rather than the Job Name. The Find and Child Client functionality also includes the ability to select jobs where appropriate.