Toolbox: Employee Budget
Toolbox: Employee Budget
Toolbox: Employee Budget Option
When you drag the Employee Budget option from the Toolbox, you see a table used track the performance of employees on a monthly and year to date level. The columns against an employee are:
- Target taken from the number of chargeable hours entered for an employee in the Employee Details page Budget tab. The Target charge amounts are the number of budgeted hours multiplied by the employee's standard charge as entered in their Charge Rates tab.
- Planned figures come from the number of hours assigned to an employee for work on assignment schedules for the month or year. The Charge amounts in the Planned columns come from the number of hours multiplied by the employee charge rate.
- Actual column displays the number of hours posted in timesheets for the employee in the current month, and the year to date. The Actual amounts in the Charge columns displays the amount of WIP generated by the employee from those posted hours.
Right-click the display to show the pop-up menu. From this menu you can:
- turn the percentage tracker on to set a percentage to measure employee performance by. Any employees highlight in red are below the percentage. The figures in the Actual columns are compared to the figures in the Target column to calculate whether employees are performing to the selected percentage or not. Any employees that are currently below the selected percentage are highlighted in red.
- turn the totals display at the foot of the columns on or off.