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CCH Software User Documentation

Importing and Exporting Client Tax Returns

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About the Tool

The Import Tool allows you to add client data previously exported from CCH Personal Tax to be added to another CCH Personal Tax database.We recommend that you consult CCH Software Support before undertaking this yourself. The Import Tool can also be used to extract data from CCH Personal Tax and to forward it to CCH Software Support.Please note this is not a data merging or conversion tool and only applies to CCH Personal Tax.

Data Extracted

  • Client name
  • Client code
  • Main address
  • Spouse/Civil Partner details
  • Client date of birth
  • National insurance number
  • UTR/R40 reference
  • Tax Return

The Tool also imports related contacts of each case e.g. employer, banks and partnerships.

Data Not Extracted 

  • Responsibilities
  • Team Security
  • Employees
  • Workflow
  • Partner
  • Contacts not associated to Personal Tax
  • Security task permission group
  • Disclosure notes entered via 'Tax Return Other Information'
  • Farmers averaging calculation data
  • Completed/reviewed status on tax returns.

To Export a client

To export a client and the associated tax returns, follow the steps below:

  • Click on File > Import/Export > Personal Tax - Export
  • Select Export client and click on Next
  • Locate the client and tick the left-hand column for each client that you wish to export
  • Click Next, then Browse
  • Enter a name for the file and choose a convenient location such as your Desktop
  • Click Save then Next then Finish

To Import a client

To Import a client follow the steps below:

  • Do not delete the return until you have confirmed that the import routine works
  • Click on File > Import/Export > Personal Tax - Import
  • Click on the link to select the file to import
  • Browse to the location of the file (which ends in .tss) and double-click to select it
  • Click Next,then Next
  • Check for any errors shown in RED (in which case contact support before closing this screen)
  • If no errors are shown, click on Finish

If you were following the steps above to clear an error and the error persists, then you will need to delete the return and re-import it as above.


To delete a return, go into the return then click on the Delete tax return option in the ribbon at the top of the screen.  Please ensure that you are in the correct client and tax year before deleting the return.

When you delete the return, it will also delete any CCH Central workflows attached to the return. These will need to be reassigned to the return after importing and then signed off up to the current step.


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