Preview a Tax Return
There are 2 methods of creating a new Tax Return.
Previewing a Tax Return
Before you can preview a tax return you must first open the tax return for the year that you want to view.
Select the client that you want to open the tax return for. The Client tab appears.
Click the tab.
In the Tax Returns for box, select the tax return year that you want to view the data for.
The tax return Summary tab appears.
The tax return can be previewed by selecting the view tax return icon in the ribbon bar as shown below:
- Once you preview the tax return in a separate tab you can then use the toolbar to:
- navigate to specific pages
- zoom in or zoom out
- produce a .PDF copy
- send as email
- close
Note: It is also possible to interact with the data on the tax return.
For example, if you notice a mistake you can quickly navigate to the data entry area using the actual Tax Return to make the correction.
Double-click the section you want to edit when the mouse pointer changes to the 'hand' cursor icon.