Making Tax Digital for Income Tax : Quick Start Guide
Note: this guide assumes that the practice has already activated CCH OneClick, as well as the employees of that practice and their clients.
- Log in to CCH OneClick to access the Advisor Workspace dashboard, which gives access to all parts of the CCH OneClick solution.
- Click on 'Making Tax Digital'.
- The Making Tax Digital homepage is a dashboard. The information displayed here provides data such as how many clients are ready for the transition to Making Tax Digital and the status of quarterly submissions.
- The menu is located on the left hand side of the page. This can be expanded by selecting the right-arrow.
- The expanded menu displays the description of each section within Making Tax Digital.
Authorise CCH OneClick with HMRC
1. CCH OneClick must be authorised with HMRC to use Making Tax Digital functionality and to quarterly report.
2. Click on the 'Settings' cog on the left hand side menu.
3. The Authorisation page shows the current authorisation status of CCH OneClick.
4. When the practice is not authorised, click on the Authorise button. The page is redirected to the HMRC website.
5. Enter the practice’s User ID and password.
Note: the agent credentials used to sign in to HMRC’s page, in order to grant authority for CCH OneClick with HMRC for the practice, must be the new Agent Services credentials that HMRC require all practices to create.These will be used to use all the API-based services HMRC provide.The authorisation with HMRC is expected to last for an 18 month period, so should not need to be repeated frequently.
6. After navigating through HMRC’s webpages, the final step is to grant authority to the Wolters Kluwer application.
7. The page returns to CCH OneClick. The practice is now authorised.
MTD Sources
- Select 'All Clients' to access clients under Making Tax Digital.
Note: the All Clients list is populated from CCH Central. It only shows individual type clients which are the first set of clients who can participate in HMRC’s Making Tax Digital programme
- Select a client to open the client record, defaulted to the MTD Sources tab.
Note: MTD Sources contains a list of suggested businesses which have been pulled from CCH Personal Tax, where a separate client does not exist in CCH Central. If a client record exists in CCH Central for a business, then this will appear directly on the Configuration tab.
- To use any of the businesses listed on the MTD Sources tab for Making Tax Digital, click on the 'ellipses' next to the desired business
and then the tick.
- A message displays to confirm the creation of this business in CCH OneClick. Select ‘Yes’ to continue.
- A message displays confirming the business has been successfully created.
Configuration of a business - HMRC
- Select the 'Configuration' tab. This lists businesses for the client which can be configured in order to start making quarterly submissions to HMRC.
- MTD Configured? and Open Integration setup? show the setup status for this business.
Note: for a business to appear on the Quarterly Reporting tab, the status for both MTD Configured? And Open Integration setup? must show as ‘Yes’.
To set the business up in Open Integration, the business can be accessed from the Businesses list within Open Integration or accessed directly using the Open Integration button on the Configuration page for the business in Making Tax Digital.
Please refer to the Open Integration Quick Start Guide for guidance to setup a business to access the bookkeeping data. - Click on a business to configure it for Making Tax Digital purposes.
- The HMRC section is required to be completed in order for the MTD Configured? status to change to ‘Yes’.
- Select the correct business in the dropdown menu.
Note: the Subscription dropdown list shows all self-employment businesses which HMRC holds for a taxpayer for Making Tax Digital purposes, and are based on information provided during the registration process.
For businesses to appear in this list, the taxpayer must be signed up for Making Tax Digital with HMRC. If the taxpayer has not done this, a message is displayed noting “HMRC Response: The client is not subscribed to MTD”.
Configuration of a business - Bookkeeping
1. The Bookkeeping section displays read-only information based on what has been setup within Open
Note: Please refer to the Open Integration Quick Start Guide for guidance to setup a business to access the
bookkeeping data.
3.4 Configuration of a business - Timeline
1. Select a Timeline template for the business.
2. The From and To dates should automatically populate where a business has been set in the HMRC section.
The dates can be manually changed or entered using the date selector or by typing in the field.
Note: Where the From and To dates are populated automatically, the dates are based on the information
provided to HMRC about the business’ accounting period when the client was signed up to Making Tax Digital.
The dates cover the period for the business’ first quarter under Making Tax Digital.
Quarterly Reporting
- The Quarterly Reporting tab displays a list of businesses which have been successfully configured for Making Tax Digital and have bookkeeping data connected in Open Integration.
- Select a business ready for a quarterly submission to be made.
- Each of the submission quarters for the business display data from Open Integration, which has been taken from the original bookkeeping source.
- Review the income and expense data. Once you are happy with what is presented, select ‘Send to HMRC’ and confirm the submission should be made.
- A message displays confirming whether the submission was successful.
- HMRC generate a tax calculation when a quarterly submission is made. The latest version from HMRC can be accessed using the ‘View Latest Tax Calculation’ button on the Quarterly Reporting tab. The Tax Calculations tab displayed a list of all calculations produced by HMRC.
Unmapped Bookkeeping Data
1. A quarterly submission cannot be made to HMRC if any categories from the bookkeeping source is unmapped in Open Integration.
2. Unmapped codes are shown on the Mappings tab in Open Integration for the business.
3. Select ‘Edit’ against the unmapped nominal code. A window displays where the correct Financial Category can be selected.
4. Once saved, the newly mapped data will also update the quarterly submission information.
1. Select the 'Timeline' tab.
2. Provided a timeline was configured for a business, the selected template is displayed.
3. The tasks on the right are the client tasks and those on the left are advisor tasks. These tasks are populated based on the template.
Digital Tax Account
- Select the Digital Tax Account tab to access data that HMRC holds for a client to aid in the completion of their Tax Return.
Note: the pre-population information provided by HMRC uses a different set of agent credentials to those needed to make quarterly submissions. A different setup process using CCH Central is required for this functionality. Please see the Digital Data Review and Digital Data Request App Admin Setup Guide for guidance.
- Select the relevant tax year.
Note: a new tax year will appear once that tax year has finished, for example the 2017/18 tax year appeared on 6 April 2018. HMRC advise that data for a client will usually appear sometime in the period of June to September following the end of the relevant tax year.
- The Digital Tax Account displays any information that HMRC holds for the selected client. A side panel on the right displays related information from the client’s Tax Return for that year from CCH Personal Tax.
- Data from HMRC can be selected and automatically update the client’s Tax Return using the ‘Commit to CCH Personal Tax’ button.