Sending Email Notifications
Note: There are several reasons why an email might not go through to the contact(s) selected. One of the reasons is due to the contact(s) not having an email address setup.
Email Failure Notifications
In this case, when the steps on the Email Merge wizard have been completed, you will receive a message to indicate the number of emails that have failed to send. You can click Yes to view the list of contacts that the email did not successfully send to. It displays more information to indicate why the email has not been successful and lists out the name of the contact(s) that have not received the email.
If a contact has an email address setup within CCH Central but the email address is incorrect or invalid, the Email Merge wizard will not display this as an error. The user who has sent the email will receive a 'Delivery Failure' email stating that the email(s) could not be delivered to the recipient(s).